Chapter 12

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Levi's P.O.V

It's been a couple of days now, the party is tomorrow and it's night already. The brat and I've been pretty close now from the past few days, I know now that he can cook amazing foods, can clean to my standards, has a key dangaling on his neck and he talks about he's father that his old man was a completely different person when it's only the three of them. He said that when him and his brother are alone his old man acts all giddy and speaks to him and his brother like his old man was speaking to a toddler when the discussion wasn't important. Who knew the mafia boss of the Yeagerist was like that, and... I know this past few weeks I grew feelings for Eren but don't even know if I'm gay.

Sidetrack for a moment.
3rd person P.O.V

"Should I take off my glasses?" Levi said confused.

"Oh no no no... this isn't an eyes test, it's a gay test." The author said, smirking. "So tell me, number one or number two?" The author added, showing the first picture of Hange and the second picture of Erwin.

"Hhm... number 1...?" Levi said, questioning himself.

"Interesting... alright. Another one, number one or number two?" The author said as he showed 2 different photos, the first was Petra and the second was Eren.

Suddenly Levi gasped, "Number two, right?" The author said, wiggling his eyebrows at Levi.

"Maybe I am gay..." Levi said, blushing as realization struck him

The end of sidetrack and back to the story

I'm not the type of person who denies their feeling, however, I can't let this brat sway me but...


I was just walking through the halls doing my own business but the brat suddenly shows up and pins me to the wall.

"Levi, aren't you ganna run away?" Eren said putting his hand on the wall beside my head and leaning to it as I lean on the wall that was behind me, my arms crossed as I gave him my usual expression cause I'm not ganna waver to this brat, even if I like him.

"I have an urge to kiss you right now." he said inches away from my face, I can almost feel his breath.

"Your so hungry for it that you're coming onto a man?" I said, looking at him. Act like you don't like him.

"That's right, I'm starving." He looked at me with those intense emerald eyes. He grabbed my cravat. "I want a bite of the feast infront of me so much."

I grabbed his hand that was holding my cravat and mustered to say. "Go find a girl, you can have anyone right?" He whispered something but I didn't catch it.

"What?" I asked.

"Nothing, I... I'm not as popular as you think Levi and even if I was, it wouldn't mean a thing to me....

Because the person that I've always loved is... you." He said that so serious and before I knew it, he turned his hand that I was holding and put it above my head.

Both of his arms are beside my head, trapping me in place. "I want to touch you." He whispered but I could hear it loud and clear.

"..." I was speechless. He's face so close to mine.

"So... If you don't want this, hurry up and run away." I'll never run away.

"Are you really going to kiss me?" I dared him, a little curious as to where this was going. He bend his head down and closed in and said "I will..." before kissing me, I stood there stunned then melting into the kiss. I felt his hand snake around my waist, squeezing me to him as he's other hand grabbed the back of my head, depending the kiss.

Then a few minutes, he pulled back only inches apart for air, both of us panting. "...not enough..." He panted and shoved our mouths together, startling me. Our tongues swirling around each other. He squeezed me to him more.

"Eren, calm down. I can't..."

"Levi," He stops and hugs me, burying his face on my neck "I like, I love you, Levi. Now and forever."

"..." I couldn't respond. Is it really alright to love him? He won't die, right? he's too strong for that. I was gonna hug him back but I was startled as I heard someone call him. I grabbed his shoulder and pushed him arms length.

"Hey... their calling you."

He didn't respond and grabbed my hand.


"I don't care, not when I can finally..."

"You can't be like that." I said as he started yanking my shirt of my pant and slipping his hand in, feeling my body. I slightly trembled at the warm touch.

He started kissing me again, his warm lips on mine. Damn. "Ere..."

He pulled back and called my name with a face so desperate, a tint of pink on his cheeks. The look on his face... I'm loosing my resolve...

I heard the others that were looking for him started getting close.

"Eren." I tried to push him away using my elbow but he didn't budge as he start lifting my dress shirt up.

"No." he said, putting his hand on my cheek and intensely kissing me again.

He won't listen so I grabbed his face and push him back. "You have to go, we'll continue this later." I said in the heat of the moment.

He paused, grabbed both of my shoulders with his hands and pinned me to the wall, he leaned down, closer to me. Fuck my height.

"We'll continue this?" He said, intensely staring at me with those emerald eyes. Damn. I lightly gritted my teeth. "Yes...!" He cheered, looking like a kid who won a bet, still had a tint of pink on his cheeks.

"See you later." He said as he pecked me on the lips and dashed away.

I was stunned at what just happened. Processing it, when it did, I crouched down. I felt heat rising to my face, my right arm covering my head "I... I've been overpowered."

Fucking brat, not even considering my own feeling... not that I'm complaining

I got to my feet, I should head back to my room before somebody sees the mess the brat made out of me. I looked at my clothes and sighed, I started walking to my room and showered but everytime that scene replays in my head, heat starts to creep up to my neck and cheeks. Damn brat, he should've at least thought of privacy first. I sighed as I walk out of the bathroom and change to comfortable clothes to sleep in. After that scene I need some rest.

I dried my hair and went to bed. As I lay there on my bed, trying to get some sleep the door to my room opened and followed by a "Levi?" Knowing exactly who it was, I instantly pretend sleeping.


I heard footsteps getting louder, indicating that he walked up to me. I can feel his presence next to me. "Sleep well," I heard him whisper to me as I felt him kiss my forehead "I love you." he finished as I felt his presence disappearing and hearing the shower turn on.

"You too, brat." I muttered, finally sleep taking over.

I copied a little bit of the scenes here from the comic I was reading about them so... Not fully my own but it turned out ok.

And feedback ✌

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