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"The game's in like a week and a half." Gab said as we walked to gym one morning. "I'm pretty excited for the first game of the season. And I'm pretty positive we'll have this one. We've got some cool tactical stuff and well, a new striker..."

I shoved him playfully. "I don't even know how that could happen. It should've been you though. I mean, you're the reason I thought of joining in the first place."

"Speaking of that, how's tutoring with Mark? I hope he's doing a good job."

I shrugged. "He is. Got most of the stuff actually."

Before Gab could open his mouth, Shawn jogged up to us. "Hey, why is Brennan not here?" he asked Gab, who frowned.

"How should I know?"

"Well, you're in the same grade..."

Gab shook his head. "Not the same class after this. I've got free period. Well, study hall actually but I was excused. I think he has History though. Or Biology."

Shawn nodded in understanding. "Okay. Practice until six half later. Be there." he told us before sprinting to the bleachers with Blondie and a couple of other guys.

"He's hot." Gab said, staring at him. "I wonder who he's going with on the dance."

I frowned in confusion. "There's a dance? Does it involve food?"

He rolled his eyes. "Doesn't it always? And yes. The winter dance. Before break."

"No. Well, at least not free food. Once in junior. Waste of time..."

"Whatever. Has he asked you yet?"

I looked at Gab, confused. "Who?"

He rolled his eyes at me again. "Jack. Has he asked you to the dance yet?"

I scoffed at the idea. "No. Why would he? And I'm not planning on going."

"Oh but you will." Gabriel pointed out. "Callie, Kim, and I will make sure of that."

I laughed. "Good luck with that."

And then suddenly, somebody stumbled on me from behind. I looked around, irritated, only to see Callie grinning like a mad cat.

"What the hell is wrong with you? Are you okay? Who pushed you?" I demanded all at once.

She didn't stop smiling. "Nobody. I'm fine. Just lost brakes when I came running to you guys. I was calling both of you for like, five minutes!"

"Whatever. What? Is it finally snowing, California?" I teased.

She ignored the remark then gripped my wrists, dragging me to the bleachers. "Come! You've got to see this!"

I groaned. "I can walk fine, Callie."

That didn't make her stop.

"Seriously, just tell what's going on."

"Shut up and walk."

"I am! What does it look like I'm doing? Doing yoga?"

She ignored me and waved over somebody.

It barely registered in my mind who I was seeing until Gab kicked my leg.

I shot a quick glare at Gab then turned to Jack. "I thought you switched gym classes." I said flatly.

He shrugged then glanced at Callie. "I didn't, on purpose. But then she asked somebody to put me back in."

Before I could open my mouth, Callie wagged her eyebrows at me before trotting away with Gab.

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