Graham Balls

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"You WHAT?" I yelled, nearly falling off the couch.

Brian glared at me then wiped his face. "Great, now I have your liquid breath on my face."

I grabbed the front of his shirt, looking at the moron straight in the eyes. "What the hell were thinking? Why'd you say that? You are not my 'dance date'!"

Brian smirked and leaned back, resting his head on his palms. "Relax, Finn, I have a plan."

I scoffed. "What? Please. Enlighten me with your stupidity."

He narrowed his eyes, crossing his arms. "I'm just helping you out so why don't you try being a little nicer and show some gratitude?"

"What, do you want me to buy you flowers and kiss your feet?"

"God, just stop talking!" And so I did. After shooting me a dirty look, he continued. "Anyway, it was obvious that dude likes you so-"

"Whoa, whoa, hold up, who said he 'likes me'?" I frowned as he glowered at me again.

"I did, and it was obvious so shut up and just let me fucking finish."

"You can be less like an asshole."

He smirked teasingly. "Awe, are you going to cry now, princess?"

I punched his stomach and watched in satisfaction as he clutched his guts back together, writhing in pain.

I waved him off. "Continue."

He shot me an annoyed look. "Do you fucking think I fucking can? Goddammit, this freaking hurts..."

"You're such a pussy, just speak."

"I was trying to make him jealous." he said with a groan. When he got slightly less miserable, he went on. "He said there was something he wanted to ask you, probably about the dance thing so I beat him to it and told him that I am his dance date."

I rolled my eyes. "And how would that help me?"

"He'd have the guts to ask you."

I frowned deeper. "What? But he already know I'm 'going' with you..."

His eyed widened in realization. "Oh shit... You're right."

I slapped his arm. "You moron! You fucking idiot! What the hell! You are... what the hell were you even thinking?"

"Hey, I didn't have time to make a mother fucking plan, okay? So stop yelling at me." Brian said, annoyed.

"Well, you shouldn't have it in the first place!"

That got him grinning. "What? What level of idiocy are you planning to take this time?"

"You want him to, do you?" he asked as he continued grinning.

"What are you talking about?"

"And I'm the idiot." he muttered. I chucked the remote at him. "The dance. You want him to ask you the the bloody dance."

"Are you British?" I asked. "Because you just said blo-"

"I'm not but I like the word, okay? And as for your issue-"

"The issue YOU started," I corrected.

"Whatever. Just tell him I couldn't go or something."

"Well, what if he doesn't bring it up?"

"Then... it's up to you to do some moves to have him ask you."

"Moves? And I'm not really planning to go anyway." I said, resting back on the couch. "It's a waste of time."

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