Too Soon?

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"I knew I'd find you here."

And also, I knew you heard me coming, and now, why are you ignoring me?

After the fallout back at the roof, I went out looking out for this little Disney princess and ended up here, in school, around eight pm and I literally had to break into the cafeteria window.

I just hope that the rumor of the security cameras all just bullshit is true.

He shifted on the window sill, still looking out into the night, the instruments in the music room surrounding him, watching him.

And secretly, I did too.

From across the room, I sat on the beat up couch and stared at his dark figure. I could make out the outline of his usually straight, shaggy hair, into a messed mop of blackness. The pale moonlight made his skin creamier and the redness of his eyes visible.

"Have you been crying?" I asked worriedly. But I had to admit, I was a bit amused.

He didn't answer; instead, he made his way to the door and walked down the dark hallway.

"Hey!" I called as I ran after him. "Where the hell are you going?"

I felt like I was talking to a brick wall back then.

Well, at least he spared a second to turn around and glare at me before sprinting down the corridor.

He rounded down a corner, and I followed after him. Seconds passed and his shadow was gone, and my pulse picked pace, my heart racing.

Then a door was slammed close, scaring the shit out of me.

I let out a frustrated groan, sharpened my ninja wolf senses then tracked the echo of the door.

It didn't work.

Every door besides the music room's was locked up. No other door - not that I know of - was open.

And then I ended up in front of a big door that had a sign pointing upwards. Like, what is that supposed to mean?

But it was unlocked. And it led upstairs, like the sign said. But to where?

Probably the roof. Well, I didn't even know our school had a roof top.

I ran up, my mind still buzzing with thoughts until I was snapped into reality by a disturbing thud.

"Jack?" I tripped on my third step. "Son of a bitch. Jack? What the hell, Jack, are you okay?"

"Yeah, for a fucked up kid, I'm doing fantastic." he said then offered me the green container of the sour cream snack. "Want some Pringles?"

I shook my head. "No, why would I- wait, no. Yes. I want some Pringles."

He motioned me beside him, sitting on the floor spot beside a greenhouse I never knew existed.

I peeked inside the container. The pieces were nearly all crushed into pieces.

Jack seemed to notice my confusion and chuckled dryly. "Sorry about that. Just got a little angry and brought it all down on these crunchy little buddies."

I nodded. "Okay. I understand."

We ate in silence, but I kept my gaze roaming around, taking in the pots of different plants and flowers that were well-grown.

"You seem to know every room in this school. I might mistake you for Dora, Snow White." I joked. "Hope your dwarf homies don't beat me with their pickaxes."

He poured the rest of the pieces as if it was a drink into his mouth and shot it to the trash bin across the room. "Yeah, well, you seem to know nothing about the places here."

"They're hidden!" I argued. "And I'm sorry I'm not an adventurer like you."

"Yeah, maybe you should go out with me sometime."

I gawked at him in shock. Did he just say that or was he not Jack White?

"I don't mean it like that, Parker." he clarified. "I said, maybe we should go out, I mean check it out, together sometime. You know, I could show you around."

"You make me sound like I'm a new student. Or a stupid girl who can't find her way to out."

"Well, aren't you?" I punched his shoulder. "Ow! This is abuse! Call the police!"

Police... "You are so dramatic."

"What can I say? I'm a Hollywood star, baby."

I made puking sounds. "Dream on, superstar."

He rolled his eyes and went silent for a long time. I swallowed and fiddled with the ends of my black hoodie as I waited for him to speak.

Or was he not going to?

"I didn't mean it like that." he said. "I meant that I wanted you to know that I notice what girl you are."

I was confused but went along anyway. "What girl am I then?"

He looked at me straight in the eyes, his gaze piercing and steady. "You're the girl that seems she doesn't know her way out. Out of what she's walked right in, didn't know how she even got in either. It was like she was just there, she appeared suddenly, accidentally, but he was glad she did, but he knew she wanted to get out."

"And what did she do?" I asked, breathless.

"What did you do?" he said, smiling to himself. "You tried to grope yourself out of the darkness, the tangle you got yourself into. But you can't. And there was only one way."

"And what is that?"

"I'm the mess, you're the girl, and the only way to get you out, is to fix him and have you to get out."

It was a struggle to keep my breathing normal. My eyes searched his face for a sign it was a joke, that he was kidding and he was just fucking up with my head. But there was none.

"I will, Parker. I will get you out." he said, his voice made of steel and determination.

And then he kissed me.

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