Cotton Candy Seahorses

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another cover made by where_dragon_rules


It was when we were driving home, from Ethan's birthday road trip. We were driving to the hospital since Kin tripped and sprained her ankle. It wasn't bad though. I mean, we still got to go to the arcade afterwards.

"Do you want me to buy you something, babe?" Ethan asked as held on Kim's hand, trailing his thumb on her palm. I knew it tickled her. But she liked it as well.

She nodded. "Yeah. Orange soda and strawberry pretzels would be nice, babe. Thanks." she smiled at him.

"Be right back, princess."

With that, Ethan left the room.

The five us were left in awkward silence when their cheesiness subsided. I was sitting on the couch, trying to focus on a magazine I wasn't exactly sure about but I just couldn't. Mark and Tyler were having a sword fight with bananas while Jack just stood there, his face blank and emotionless as usual.

I still couldn't get used to it.

The talk we had before was still on my shoulders, weighing a ton but I decided not to think it all over. It wasn't my business after all. And nosiness isn't exactly a pleasing trait.

Ten minutes had gone and Ethan wasn't back and Kim, being the always impatient person she is, got annoyed and ordered me to go get him. I knew not to mess with her when she was irritated and PMSing all at once so I did without any arguments or taunting like I usually would have.

And besides, I was getting hungry anyway.

I exited the room to find her oh-so responsible boyfriend but not before making a quick (not) stop at a nearby vending machine. It was so cool. They had all sorts of snacks. From plain cookies to packed fries.

But, a stocked vending machine is always difficult.

It took me like, maybe five minutes or more to finally settle down on a sour-cream flavored twister fries and a Coke from the beverage machine next to the snack one.

Not about two minutes ago, Kim had texted me about being rude and irresponsible and not to waste time because her 'awesome' boyfriend was already there with roses and a teddy bear that says 'Get Well Soon'.

Like how cheesy is that. She's got a sprain not a freaking heart attack.

I've always hated hospitals. Especially the rooms. Whether it's the ICU or the ones with all the stupid machines in it or just the simple ones, I just can't stand it. I've been confined a couple times before due to some skating injuries but I've always tried not to mind the eerie surroundings and creepy touch of the building.

So I texted her I'd be waiting by the parking lot.

Kim was a bit upset that I wasn't there for her 'recovery' but she got over it. That's just Kim. A drama queen.

I didn't expect too much surprises on my way there though. I was never a fan of surprises.

My fries were all down drowning in my stomach acid so I went back from the waiting area up the second floor to buy myself a bag of Cheetos. And probably a can of energy drink.

But the vending machine started acting up. I dropped my two dollars but it remained frozen in place. The machine cheated on me and didn't push my Cheetos right down into the hole. I hated it when this happens.

This hallway was empty except for a few people waiting on the bench for someone who was either having eye checkup or minor injuries like Kim's. Other than them and a few useless oil paintings, there were no signs of hospital crew. Not even a janitor.

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