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"You stayed over his house?" Kim's eyes widened in shock. I nodded carelessly. I can't see why she's making a big deal out of this. "Oh my God! What did you guys do? This is so exciting! Wait - please tell me you guys used protection."

I choked on my fries and nearly spilled my chocolate milk. "What the hell, Kim?"

She giggled. "What? Is it true? I want to know every single detail."

I made a face. "No. You're disgusting. And stupid."

"Meanie." she crossed her arms and pouted.

I rolled my eyes and tossed a fry into my mouth. "Whatever. How'd you find it anyway? Pass the cheese."

She handed me my liquid cheese. I dressed it all over my fries. "Gabriel told me."

"Gabriel? Junior? You know him?"

"Well, obviously, stupid." she flicked my forehead. "Anyway, he just told me that you weren't in your house when he came for you."

"That doesn't explain how he knew I was at that moron's house."

She giggled again. "He saw you guys acting all couple-y out in the rain." My eyes widened. "Like seriously, carrying you in bridal style? How could you not tell me this? And oh, did you feel his biceps?"

"Once again, you're disgusting and second, I don't even know if he has any." I told her. "How do you guys know each other?"

"Who? Gabriel?"

"No. Maleficent." I deadpanned.

"Meanie." Kim muttered. "I know him because he likes my brother."

My jaw fell in shock. "Who? Mark?"

"No. Johnny." she smirked.

I narrowed my eyes at her. "For real? That's like... impossible. Your brother is a dork."

Kim laughed. "Says the girl who owns a McDonalds clown suit."

I glared at her. "Don't you ever bring that up again."

She stabbed the chicken on her salad then nibbled on it. "You never answered my question."

I sighed. This conversation is boring me to death. "What question?"

"What did you guys do?"

Oh. That. "I got locked out and he happened to be there to give me my homework and so he offered me to stay at his place."

She nodded in understanding as she chewed on her lettuce. "And then?"

"And then nothing. I went home. My keys happened to be hidden on my Mom's bush for some reason."

"Really?" she laughed. I nodded. "That's strange. How did it occur to you that it was on the plants."

"What is this? The Ellen Show?"

"Do I look like I have short hair? No. So just answer my question."

I sighed. "Jack suggested."

"What, so Jack just told you to look at your plants?"

"Kind of. Why are we talking about him anyway?"

"He's kinda cute."

I scoffed and poked my fork on my chicken nugget. "And a jackass. So stay away from him."

"And?" Kim wiggled her eyebrows suggestively.

"Yeah. What about it?"

"You said 'and a jackass' which means you're still saying he's cute."

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