The Childhood Crush

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"What are you up to this afternoon?" Kim asked as we stuffed our shit into our lockers after the last period bell. "We've barely spent any time this week and I just wanted to catch up with you and all that."

I shrugged. "I guess I'm free. But I have try-outs to attend tomorrow."

"I thought you made it to the team. What happened?"

"Yeah, I did. But one of our forwards were injured and our coach just wanted to see who deserves his position." I explained.

Kim nodded. "Oh. Okay. Well, I want to go to Starbucks. I'm craving for their mocha."

I rode on my board while Kim was on her bike. She had some sort of vintage car from the 80's but she never used it unless it was an absolute emergency. Like when Darth Vader gets attacked by a squirrel or there was a book fare down the street.

"Name?" the Starbucks dude asked.

I was thinking of going for Spiderman or Wolverine but decided it was too long. So I went with Parker instead.

"One small mocha frappe." I said and handed him the payment before joining Kim on the window table.

"Let me guess. You bought the largest one." I said as I extended my legs to her lap.

She threw me a dirty look then pushed back her glasses. "Yes. And you, the small one?"

I clicked my tongue. "Bingo."

"I don't understand. You eat like a grown man with a pig's appetite, no offense, but you don't like Starbucks which is like, the best thing edible in the universe."

"Nah, I prefer hotdogs. And bacon. Especially when it's greasy."

"So what if there was a frappe, out of hotdogs and bacon here on Starbucks?"

"Let's be real, Kim, that would taste and look like a fucking shit."

"Ooh, I never knew poop could have sex." she wiggled her eyebrows.

"Jesus, Kim, cut it out, sexual remarks don't suit you." I said just as the Starbucks dude called my name.

"One small mocha frappe." a much more enthusiastic girl handed me my drink. I could see the dude getting yelled by their manager at the staff room. I couldn't blame him. That kind of job looked awfully boring.

My stomach rumbled and I thought of getting a cheesecake or a bunch of cookies.

"Excuse me, you're blocking the line." someone said behind me. And it was Nicole.

"Oh. It's you." Nicole said with a tight smile. "It's Tail, isn't it?"

I wasn't related to a fish in any way. "No. It's Finn."

She touched her chest with a huff. "Oh. Right. Finn." she said my name as if she was analyzing it. "So, are you going to Jack's birthday party next Friday?"

I never had pictured Jack as a party person. And how come she knows when's his birthday is?

I shook my head. "He never mentioned a party."

Nicole pretended to looked shocked. "Really? Well, I am surprised because I thought you know, you guys know each other and stuff. But anyway, I paid for this amazing venue where the party would take place and oh my God, you got to come. Jack's gonna love me for this."

I barked out a laugh. "Really? Because I thought he already has someone to love."

Her eyes narrowed at me. "Listen here closely. Jack isn't yours and never will be. Jack is-"

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