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"Hey, are you signing up for the school paper?" Kim, a girl I know, asked as she pushed back her thick glasses and tucked a fallen strand of hair behind her ear.

I shook my head and made a face. "Writing is shit." I said. "Since when do you have interest for writing articles anyway?"

"Since the news of a hot new school paper monitor roamed around school." She said and beamed at me. "Like seriously, you so need to see him." She grabbed my arm and began to drag me down the hall.

I applied pressure on my feet to stay on my spot. "Eew, no, Kim, I don't want to. Go by yourself or with a bunny or something. Count me out. I'm not going." I said as I slammed my locker shut.

"You're such a loaf, Finny." She pouted.

"Don't call me that. It's gross."

"Whatever. That's the point." She said as we went up the stairs. "And oh, when were you planning to tell me that you and White has a secret affair?"

I nearly choked on my own tongue. "Affair? With who? A color? Dear God, no, Kim, where do you even get that whacked out idea from?"

"Jack White, you idiot! Look over there!" She pointed to a guy across the hall, wearing a dark hoodie and chewing gum.

Oh yeah, I remember that. J.K. Rowling...

I rolled my eyes. "It wasn't an affair. And no, I don't know him until now. We just ran away from detention together, that's all."

"Why? To make out?"

"Jesus, Kim! Does everything require sexual remarks?" I asked, exasperated. "Such a pervert..."

She giggled and slapped me slightly on the arm. "Just kidding, Finny, chill out."

I rolled my eyes and sighed. "Whatever. Let's just get to class and get this pointless day over with."


Lunch came by pretty quick and thankfully, English was at end. It was a little awkward (and quite amusing) with Mrs. Hidalgo still going all psychopath at us but she got over it when some nerd asked her to tell the history and personal life of Shakespeare.

Don't even get me started. She even knew how many moles the fellow had.

The had rung an everyone was all packing up hastily, eager to get out of class and to obtain their full hour of freedom. I was one of them obviously.

Kim was waiting outside after she got out of Biology and grinned at me enthusiastically.

I don't get why she's so hyper and happy all the time. Like seriously, what is there to be all sunshine and rainbows about?

"Hey! Ready for lunch?" She asked me as we walked down to the cafeteria.

"Yeah. But I need to stop by my locker. Need to drop some stuff." I said.

She nodded in understanding. "Okay. Just catch up later on. Usual spot."

"Okay." I sent a single wave and went to the opposite direction for my locker.

The halls were pretty empty now since it was lunch. Only a few people - two types: people in the same page with me and full-scale nerds - were lurking at the place. My locker was pretty far from the cafeteria, at the least visited corridor of the school. I gave out an internal groan.

Begrudgingly, I trudged my way to row of lockers at the end of the floor only to be stopped by when I heard something from the music room.

It was something familiar... Something I've heard a million times before... Except it was a bit different.

My feet seemed like to have a mind on its own. It made its way to the door, just by the side so that he couldn't see me through the tiny window panel.

What song, what song, what song?

There the figure was. The back of whoever this was facing me. Slender fingers pressed the piano keys delicately as the gentle sound echoed throughout the room. Our school hadn't fixed a soundproof system for the music room yet. And I guess I'm kinda glad.

How could I forget this? I have played this on bass countless times.

It seemed like the music he was making absorbed him completely and has lost himself completely within.

Canon in D! Yeah, that's it.

This version was totally different one from Pachelbel. No offense to the grand musician but this person's recomposition is way better than his.

I had played Canon Rock of Sungha Jung on bass so many times I had lost count of it and I couldn't believe I didn't recognize it at first.

Well, rock and classic is two different music genres.

I felt like a total creep, standing out the door, listening without his permission but screw privacy, this is grand.

I figured this person's a girl, judging by the figure of her back. She pressed down the last notes before prolonging the last key and sighing softly to herself in satisfaction.

When she turned around, all I could think is one thing.

J.K. Rowling.

Not a she.

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