Don't Look Back

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"Hey, I already claimed that side!"
The bastard just smirked and threw his legs, stretching them until it dangle off the bed. Man he's got long legs.

"Dammit, get out of there, you little shit! That's my spot!" I yelled as I shoved him off. It didn't work out; he was still there.

He stuck out his tongue at me and stuffed in his earphones.

Oh I'm gonna murder you. I'm gonna murder you GOOD.

It's been like this for at least, I don't know, two hours, I think. And so far, no success.

But I will get my spot. Oh fuck yes I will.

I checked my watch and the little numbers said it was 6:27 pm. They all went outside after ten seconds of trying to stop us.

Well, me.

He looked at me with a bored face. "Why don't you just give up and take other side?" he said.

I crossed my arms and glared at him. "Because I was there first."

"Too bad." he shrugged and went back on ticking me off by doing nothing.

This must be his special talent. Annoying people out of their eye sockets without doing anything at all.

I scowled at him and reluctantly plopped right next to him. My phone was still off due its empty battery. I plugged it on, placed it on the night stand then thought of ways where to put his dead body.

Where's my ax?

I tried to chill down and catch up with sleep. Thankfully the pillow were cotton-soft and the sheets were thick and smooth so I'd be getting a quality-sleep for sure.

Since those little minions threw pebbles at my window when the neighbor's rooster hasn't even roused yet.

Even roosters get more sleep than me.

So, I erased him and his obnoxious doings from my hateful thoughts and drifted off to sleep.

But it wasn't seconds before I got separated from my beloved. Again.

"Get up, you lazy ass! It's time to PARTY!" shouted an over excited voice that I knew was Kim's.

I grumbled and cursed and buried deeper into the comforter then swore once more.

"Come on, get up!" Kim groaned and with a mighty pull, got off the sheet from me.

Immediately, the cold air went nibbling on my skin, making me crave for heat more than I crave freedom. It was stupid that these rooms don't have heaters.

"Kim! You little mother fucker!" I growled as her laughter filled the room. She ran out of the door, carrying the duvet with her. I glanced at Jack, who was playing basketball on his phone the entire time that he didn't notice anything.

Or maybe he just didn't care.

I stepped out of the room and scanned the place for the wavy curls of my best friend who also happens to be my greatest sleep cop. I went back and swore that I'd get ahold of her precious curling iron later.

Then Mark entered the room with hot blonde in a bright red one piece clinging on his arm.

"Oh hey guys. Didn't know you were here." Mark said and looked at us pointedly.

It doesn't need an Einstein relative to know what they're up to.

"Yeah. Whatever. I'm going to sleep." I said as I clumsily climbed on the right spot of the bed. I wanted the wall side. Asshole.

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