Fun? My Brain Cells Are Liquified

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The next morning came by in a blur. Nothing exciting happens. Just the usual. Dragging myself out of my bed, dragging myself to school, dragging myself to my locker, then dragging myself to class. How interesting.

After dumping shit which the world refers as 'textbooks' into my backpack, I made my way to the kitchen. I looked at the clock and realized I barely had ten minutes left. Whatever. Who cares? I have a stack of warm pancakes in front of me with the greasiest bacon ever.

"Careful, Parker, don't wanna choke yourself to death," my Mom said amusedly as she got ready for work as a nanny. I ignored her warning and sure enough, I nearly died on my spoonful of pancake and forkful of bacon strips.

She smirked. "I told you so."

I coughed violently as Mom exited the kitchen and came back seconds later with a suitcase with her.

"Whoa, wait up, hold the freaking bag," I hopped off the stool and wiped the corners of my mouth with the back of my hand. "Where are you headed and why don't I know this?"

She sighed. "Judy told my last minute. Apparently, she and Adam has some business to take care of as soon as possible." she answered as she stuffed a couple of muffins into her carry-on. "And, Jane has a ballet recital just the day before they come back. So," another muffin, "I need to be there. You know, usual nanny stuff."

I nodded my head in understanding. I was used to this. But, Mom leaving on the spot isn't. Not that I couldn't take care of myself because I could, I just wanted to know, I guess.

"How long will you be there?" I asked and went back on gobbling down my breakfast.

She shrugged. "Not sure. But I think it's going to be long."

I rolled my eyes. "Well, obviously. How many days, you think?"

"About a week or two." she answered then grabbed her jacket from the counter. "Maybe three. Be careful, sweetie. Love you." she kissed my forehead and hurriedly headed for the door just as I remember something.

I stopped her by the wrist. She didn't object. "Whoa, whoa, wait up," I pointed at her accusingly. "Don't you have babysitting duty this afternoon?"

She looked at me sheepishly.

My eyes widened. "I knew it! You intended to leave this on me all along!"

"Sweetie," she sighed, putting down her bags. "This is more important. I can't block this out. As for the babysitting, I couldn't exactly cancel that out either. It's rude."

"I have school, Mom." I said, my mouth full of eggs that were also laid down for breakfast. Oh look, there's sausage too.

"Since when do you care?" she scoffed and picked up her bags. "Now, you fill that in for me, okay? You'll get the payment. Understand?"

I groaned. I couldn't say no. I still need a few hundred bucks for all that soccer equipment. Or maybe not. But I still need some for hotdogs and fries.

With an equal side of hesitation and carelessness, I nodded and felt a bit less grouchy knowing I'd be missing school.

"Lock all the doors, windows, and don't even attempt using the stove without having the fire extinguisher by your side." she said with a smack of her lips. "The fridge's stocked since I went grocery shopping last night when you passed out in front of the door for some reason but I still left fifty bucks on your room because I know you and you're never stomach-satisfied."

I grinned at her. "You know me too well. Where is it?"

It was her turn to grin. "That's for me to know and for you to find out."

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