Let's Be Realistic, I'm Spiderman

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hey, i just want to thank you all for reading this story. keep on going because it'll be better, i promise.

COOL COVER MADE BY where_dragons_rule thanks so much.

there are two more, i'll post them up in the next chapters

CHAPTER SEVENTEEN: Finn Parker (Edited)

Tyler dropped me off around ten that night since we made a stop at the mall to well, go to the arcade and obviously, we got carried away, got home late and yeah, summary: I was a freaking zombie on Monday morning.

"You look awful." Ethan said when I was putting my board in my locker that morning. Kim shot him a glare but it was obvious she was holding back a giggle.

"Yeah, thanks for pointing that out." I said sarcastically and slammed my locker door shut. "I really needed it."

Ethan chuckled as the three of us walked down the hall. Homeroom was fifteen minutes away so we still have time for a little cafeteria stop.

"It doesn't open until seven, Finn." Kim reminded. "Seriously, you were here since like, the beginning. And you're a senior. How can you forget that?"

I shrugged. "Don't pay attention to time, I pay attention to hotdogs."

"No big surprise there." she muttered.

Since we've lost stuff to talk about it - not that there was any in the first place - we just went to homeroom early. Kim and I have different ones and Ethan is with her so I walked down alone.

Not that I mind.

So after mumbling our goodbyes, I headed off to the room at the end of the hall. I checked the time. I still had eight minutes. Like seriously, it was only the first month of school and I already had at least ten tardies.

I was still pretty hazed. My mind was still drifting in and out of consciousness at some point that I actually almost face-planted in front of our guidance counselor. She glared at me. I glared back. That old lady was never fond of me anyway. Heck she never is with anyone.

I opened the door of my homeroom and slumped down on my usual seat at the back, on the right corner. We were allowed to switch places and seats but everyone knew not to sit on mine.

Still someone did.

A redheaded girl I've never seen before was occupying my seat. Not that I was mad. I was just pretty annoyed.

It doesn't have my name written on it but I pretty much lived in the spot. That chair was basically my comfort zone.

I sighed then trudged my way towards her.

"Hey. That's my seat." I said straightforwardly. "Get out. Move."

She pushed her glasses up and hung her head low. "I-I'm sorry." she stuttered.

I sighed again and tapped my foot, growing impatient. "Whatever. Are you new here?" She nodded. "Well, that explains it. But seriously, that is my seat. So you can sit wherever you want but not here."

Hurriedly, she picked up her book bag and settled down on the seat beside mine. I dumped my backpack on the floor and slouched down on my chair.

Our homeroom teacher, Mr. Brooks, a middle-aged man, was behind his desk, typing away on his laptop while sipping on a frappe. He was always early. And he lets us do whatever we want in homeroom.

I mean, that's what homeroom is for anyway.

I never thought I would do it but I actually pulled out my Math homework. We were on Calculus and it was heating my brain cells into nothing. Math back then seemed so much fun (fuck no) and easier but now, it just seems like a freaking mix-up of letters and numbers and stupid signs that it basically looks like Chinese alien language.

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