Believing the Impossible

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the previous chapter may or may not be the worst thing that was ever written on the planet so i'm sorry. hopefully i'd be able to catch up with this one. or maybe not...


"You can wear this one." he threw a dark blue shirt at me. "Try that one out and see if it fits. I'll look up my old jeans."

Are we really sharing clothes now? I mean, we're not even friends or anything.

Stop complaining if you don't wanna go to school in your underwear.

"Hurry up. We don't have forever." he said, gesturing me out.

I had no idea why he was being an ass more than usual.

I scowled at him and went to the bathroom to change. Since my house was locked, he insisted on lending me clothes. I embarrassingly declined the offer multiple times, saying that I could just skip school and maybe ninja-style climb up to my window and stay there. But for some reason, he acted like my Grandfather and said that I was missing a lot of school days and I needed to catch up.

Grumpy, pushy pants.

The shirt was baggy on me and I figured that it was okay, mentioning the fact that I wear those kind in a daily basis. I didn't know what got him to be in a helpful yet cranky mood that morning but I kept my mouth shut. Poking around and provoking the Mama Bear was no way to show gratitude.

"Come on, Parker! Don't wanna be late!" he pounded his fists on the bathroom door. Since when did he care for school?

Keep your mouth shut. Don't punch him. Be thankful.

I opened the door only to be shoved back inside with a pair of jeans.

Well, okay then. He's done it.

I pulled on the jeans but it was a bit big on me. It kept on falling down and I wouldn't really want that happening while I'm walking down the hall.

"Hey, Jack. Do you have a belt?" I asked as I waddled my way like a penguin to his room. "Hey, I asked you-"

"In the fucking couch." he said then coughed. "What are you standing there for? Get to it."

I sighed and made my towards the bed where he was buried deep down in the covers. "You're hot."

"I know." In that state, he still had to smirk.

I rolled my eyes. "In your dreams, White. I meant temperature-hot. Not impossible-for-you-hot."

"Good one."

I got the belt from the couch to prevent the pants from slipping then went downstairs to fetch the sick puppy some stuff that could help him recover.

I had barely made my way to the kitchen when a voice said, "Nice outfit."

I turned around to see a guy in a bright yellow shirt and sweatpants leaning against the wall, a smirk that I've known to well playing on his lips.

"That's Jack's right?" he said amusedly as he walked to the fridge. He drank straight from the milk's carton then eyed me from head to toe. "I have no idea what he had to do but I'm impressed. Didn't know he got the balls to ask you out."

Now I had to speak.

"No... I'm actually his..." Who am I to him? Probably a stranger. But I couldn't say 'I'm his stranger' I mean, that would probably sound a bit stupid. Wait, does it?

"His what?" he pressed in with an eyebrow raised in amusement. He was probably enjoying me extending my embarrassment.

"Forget it. He went to my house last night for some reason and we got locked out so he brought me here." I said as I searched the cabinet for some Advil or cough drops. "Hey, do you know where the sick people stuff is?"

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