Aggressive Is Her Last Name

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CHAPTER SEVEN (Part One): Finn Parker

This was even more boring than school.

Yes, I just said that, believe it or not.

Like seriously, I am slowly and painfully dying please do me a favor, get a rock and just hit me repeatedly with it God, I want this to be over.

While I was losing my mind, Jack Mother fucking White was just sitting beside me, chewing his gum obnoxiously and listening to music which I couldn't make out since it was too soft to hear. But I think I heard some piano riffs.

I don't know, keyboard, I guess. Maybe he likes old rock music. You know, with all the keyboards and stuff, I honestly have no idea.

It was nearly ten, which means it's the start of first period after recess. It Mrs. Hidalgo's, and that was the only reason I had that made me do this in the first place. And oh, the quizzes I was too cool and lazy to study for, that too.

When this fucktard told me about his little plan of skipping, I never would've thought that his idea of 'skipping' would be sitting down on a freaking tree root, with a million ants biting you every four seconds, doing nothing but just slowly watching your life SLIPPING AWAY.

I even think one ant managed to crawl its way to my butt. Like seriously, how is that even possible?

Since my brain was left in my Mom's vagina when I was born and I had a skull as small as a newborn's penis, I forgot to charge my phone last night and thought - despite the fact I had no brain - that it was fully charged today. If I had, I wouldn't be as bored as I was.

God, please hear me, please, please, please, teleport me back to school. Or to my house. Yes, screw school, I need my house.

I closed my eyes, eager to see my room and toasty sheets in front of me when I opened it back up. It never happened. I was still in the park, with this idiot who doesn't even know the idea of skipping beside me.

I think God is listening to music and playing video games up there. Or maybe He had something 'planned' for me besides of letting my die down here due to extreme boredom that is driving me to insanity. Or worse - my DOOM.

I would've walked back to school but it was a five-minute walk so no thanks.

So I just sucked it up, tried not let my rotting sour mood get into the surface and caught up with sleep. The tree bark was too rough to pass as a pillow but it was good than having nothing.

Or I could just lie down my head on this shitface's shoulder. I mean it was the least thing he could do for me since he got us late and dragged me to his silly idea of skipping.

Hell no, what was I even thinking? We're not even close to be acquaintances.

I wonder how good his shoulder is as a pillow?

Fuck, Finn, snap out of it.


I woke up with my neck killing me. With another addition to my eternal list of misery, I was shook violently awake.

Oh whoever you fucker are you are going to die a horrible death.

"What the actual mother fucking shitting hell do you want, you freaking mud cake?" I grumbled, still not giving up to reality. "I'm already having the worst day of my life so do us both a favor, get the fuck away and not get stabbed in the eye with a pencil."

Whoever this lame excuse for a human being was, he chuckled. "I highly doubt you even have a pencil with you, sweetheart." I opened my eyes and stared at Jack in disbelief. "And oh, I like my new nickname." he winked.

I didn't feel coming up with an awesome comeback so I just waved him off, stood up, and headed for the road, surprised by the sudden burst of energy annoyance had donated.

"Hey, where are you going?" he called as he speed walked towards me.

I faced him. "I'm done with this, it's twelve, I'm starving, and I'm going home, bye." I said, emphasizing each statement with my fingers.

He grabbed the back of my shirt and pulled me back. "I have plans for us today."

Plans? What are we? Friends? Or worse - a couple? Hell no.

"You and your plans can do it together. I don't wanna die young."

He pouted. "But I want you to." he said and I replied him with a punch in the guts.

"I was kidding, jeez, don't need to be aggressive." he managed to choke out.

"Aggressive is my last name."

With that, I started walking out again.

"Fine then! Walk away and lose my offer of free DELICIOUS food!"

I turned around faster than the speed of light. "Food? Where? What food?"

Jack smirked. "We'll see."


this chapter is going to be in two parts because i just feel like it.

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