Indian Bruise

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hey, i posted a new story, The Free Sample. go check it out.


Later that night, as the crowd slowly went low, people dispersing, Jack and I randomly decided it was a good time to have a walk and spend our last night at the beach.

I mean, it isn't every time you have the energy to go out and go to the beach in fall, nearing winter.

It was fun, dare I say it. I was never that person who likes going out or whatever, doing shit and partying and all the kind of stuff. Well, except if I'm skating and going to a convenience store, I guess that's an exception.

Kim and I rarely go out. She knows how much I hate shopping or spending time outdoors. And besides, she pins herself a nerd. Well, a cool one with a popular boyfriend and a pretty good social status. Let's just say she's a goody-two-shoes.

So this, what I had felt with this little road trip thing, surprisingly, made me have a good time. But it wasn't like I forced myself. It just... happened.

I don't know if it was the fact that this little moron is here or whatever but nah, I don't think so.

Yeah, Finn, cut out the bullshit.

I broke off my trance and silently absorbed the world around me. As we walked down the sandy path, with the soft, warm waves brushing on the side of our flip-flops, I began noticing and pointing out little things to myself. Like how trashy the place looked after the party. And how gross the sand smelled in certain places where people threw up. I think there was even poop.

But despite the negativity littering in the place, I focused on the things that were a little less disturbing. Like how cool the DJ booth was. And how the snack shack closes at a late time.

Yeah, that's all I found...

"Hey," he then called out softly to me when we reached a little rock to stand on. I looked at him. "Can you see that?"

He pointed to the sky, his finger directing to nowhere specifically.

"What? What is it?" I asked, frantically searching for something worth looking for.

"There..." his cold hand pressed against my back, slightly pushing me forward. "It's just... there. Look for it. It's clearly a yellow star."

Yellow? "That sounds cool." I said, a yellow star absent in the sky.

"It is." he said quietly, his hand still on my back. "But you know what's cooler?"

I glanced at him. "What?"

The corners of his lips lifted, forming into a halfhearted smile. But then I knew it was a mistake.

"The water."

With one, forceful push, I slipped down, fell into the frigid water, knocking the oxygen out of my system. It wasn't pretty deep, but it wasn't that shallow either. And I wasn't exactly a good swimmer.

"Mother fucker!" I wheezed out, waving my arms out controllably, looking for something to grasp on for dear life. "Oh my God, holy shit!"

Jack just laughed there like a complete asshole which he was, losing every breath he had. It was like he was in the same page as me.

"Oh my God, oh my God, I seriously can't..." he laughed again. I glared at him and gripped on the rock. I actually considered being Ariel, the Little Mermaid and call the sharks and Sebastian and his little family for revenge.

Oh Disney.

I shivered, the cold air felt like needles and pins in my skin. But with every second passing, it actually got a little warmer.

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