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"Hello Sana, your baby must be very healthy and big, how many months is it now?" Mr. Santiago called for Sana saying that he wanted to know how she is doing.

"Uhm-yes, the doctor said he's healthy and it's already 9 months, He's gonna come out anytime soon" Sana was curious why the head of the mansion was asking her this things when he didn't even want her to stay here 9 months ago. She became more suspicious when the elder's eyes lit up when she was talking about how healthy her baby boy is.

"So it's a boy" Mr. Santiago smiled widely, but not the creepy smile.

"Is this why you asked for me Mr. Santiago?" Sana asked

"No, not exactly. I want to offer you something" SANA's ears perked up in anticipation

"I want to adopt your baby" He said straight to the point

"W-WHAT?!!.... I'm sorry for shouting sir but no, this is my child, I'll raise him" She said trying to stay as calm as possible

"Look Sana, I assigned you to Nayeon and Jeongyeon as their maid but I was still the one paying you. You did not work for them because they let you rest which means you were not able to earn money since then, have you saved enough money?" He explained


"That's right, now if you could remember we had an agreement that the day the baby is born, you're going to leave this mansion. Now if you weren't able to save enough money, where will you go? How will you feed him until he's old?" He asked again

"I-I don't know, I'll work in other places!"

"No Sana, you can't leave your son unattended. My offer is that I'll adopt—no, Tzuyu will adopt your daughter, we'll sponsor him and support him until he's old enough, and I am willing to support your college. I heard that's what your reason was when you first came here. And, I also heard that the father of this baby is still unknown since you were... raped. We'll find the culprit and send him to jail" Mr. Santiago was very persistent to adopt her baby but when she hear that it was actually Tzuyu who's going to be his father, she became very worried

"No! I won't let my baby live with that son of yours, he almost killed my baby in my first month! "

"What?!! I didn't know about that. But I promise you, as long as I am alive I won't let anyone hurt my future grandson. About Tzuyu, actually I want him to settle down but he doesn't want to get married so this is the only solution I've thought, and he's soft for kids, if you didn't know. He's just really cold in the majority of people he meet and interact with" He explained

"I know it is not really an easy decision to make, my offer is open anytime. Please consider it, that's all for now" he said and concluded their talk


Sweats, and tiredness are both visible from Sana as her chest rise and fall in an irregular rythym.

"One more push!" The doctor ordered

Sana mustered up her remaining strength and shouts,


and finally, the baby was born. Sana waited for her baby's first cry so that she can finally close her eyes and rest but the doctor's statement made her very alerted.

"The baby's heartbeat is irregular, this isn't a good sign. He also didn't cry so we have to check him up later on"

"Please save my baby doc" Sana pleaded

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