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A lot of people said that love will find you, you just have to wait. But I do not live to this kind of mindset, love will not find you, you need to find it, look for it, and that's exactly what I will do, because today, I chose to love.

"Chaeyoung-ah what are you doing this time?" Dahyun asked, she's so weirded out whenever I talk to myself like 'hello?, It's a healthy habit you know'

"I'm not doing anything bad unnie" I replied

"Actually, I was gonna tell you something" I added as I walked outside my room

As I arrived in the living room of the apartment we share, I sat beside her

"So I decided to do something today" she looked at me in disbelief as if she knows that my ideas are always—you know.. they're kind of unique

"What is it?" She asked

"I want a girlfriend" I said and waited for her response but she just raised her eyebrows at me.

"That's it, I'm gonna have a girlfriend today"

"What? How are you even sure that you'll meet the right person today? And if you ever meet her today, it's not like a 'Hi-Hello, Can you be my girlfriend-yes'  in a single day. Love does not work that way Chaeyoung"


"That's love for you, but love for me is not like that. Anyway, we have different views, I just wanna share mine. I'll go out for today and look for my love" I said and immediately change into much appropriate clothing.


I've been out of the apartment for nearly 2 hours and now I end up in a flower shop. I'm not into flowers, I don't know any hidden meanings of a flower but I chose to went inside and look around.

As I step inside the store, a voice greeted me,

"Hello, welcome to MSM Flower Shop, how may I help you?"

I looked at the person at the 'front desk' and girl I was mesmerized. 'This is the person I want, this is the love I will choose' I told myself.

"Hello Ms.."

"You can call me Sharon"

"A pretty name for a pretty lady... anyway, I'm not into flowers but this shop just lure me. Do you mind introducing me to your masterpiece arrangements?" I asked

"Since there is no other customers right now, I won't mind" she said and guided me towards the very first set of flowers that are placed in a pot or pail, I don't know what that is.

I had a great time knowing all those flowers, and knowing her a little bit as well. She told me her favorite flower is the Lily of the Valley, and this might be ironic as she is a flower shop owner but she did not choose that flower as her favorite because of what it symbolizes but simply because of it's unique name.

Talking to her feels so comfortable, like we knew each other long time ago.

Due to her hospitality and friendliness, I forgot about the time not until my gaze was shifted outside. The sky is turning dark.

"I wanna buy a bouquet of pink roses" I told her. She nodded and quickly arranged them for me.

After a few minutes, she handed it to me as I payed the amount.

"Thank you for explaining things to me, now I know I'll be fond of flowers in the future"

"Here" I handed her the bouquet I just bought and she looked at me, confused.

"What is this for?" She asked as she hesitantly took the flowers.

"What's the meaning of pink roses?" I asked


"Exactly...I admire you. Can I court you?" I asked, she doesn't look so shocked but she think for a while

"No need, we can be instant girlfriends" Woah, that went so fast, but I'm not complaining

I smiled at her and asked her if I could take her home, and so she agreed. After sending her home, I giddily went back at the apartment and boast at my unnie, Dahyun.

"I know it won't last long Chaeyoung"

"What?! Are you not supporting your friend's love life?" I asked in disbelief

"It's not like that, it's just that for me, you did not undergone the proper process."

"There's no right or wrong process in love unnie, I chose to love her, I'm gonna make this work because this is love" I said and walked inside my room.

I visit Sharon constantly in her shop, during weekends, we have scheduled a date, we're staying strong for about 2 months but I noticed something in our past conversations...

"You want an Ice cream?" I asked her

"Yes please, just the vanilla flavor"

"Alright, I'm gonna get mint chocolate chip" I said and was about to go but I heard her mumbled something

"She likes that too"

That is what I'm talking about, I noticed that there are specific things I do or say that makes her remember someone else and it just doesn't feel right. I felt hurt.

"Do you love me?" I asked her one time

"Of course I do"

"Can we— can we have a cool off for some time? I think I need to re-think some things" I asked and she just said,


And that's when I realized 'I got it all wrong'. My concept of love is all wrong.

Love is a hide and seek game, it takes years before seeing the right one, count a few more years to have the right one. 

I was stupid for realizing that in this way, so when I got to meet Sharon again, we talked things out and she told me she is still in love with her ex named Tzuyu, and so I let her go. I do love her, but it's not me that she wants, or maybe if we're actually fated to each other, it's not the right time yet.

I cried and ranted at Dahyun unnie. That day I chose to love is a wrong decision, but I'm glad I met her.



Hello guys, sorry for the short chapter, but I hope you liked it. I'm sorry again for not publishing the part 2 of the MiNayeon chapter, I can't get into the right mood of writing it.

Anyway, I just wanna share my realizations to you guys. You probably know by now that I love angst. I realized it's not happy at all, I mean yes obviously and literally it's not a happy theme but I feel happy when I read something angst or tear-jerking stories, but when I feel it in real life, it's not good at all. Anyway, that's all, till the next update, bye bye.

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