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Chaeyoung and Mina were workmates, both are rising actresses in the entertainment world of South Korea. They became friends after some projects together. Actually, they are currently working on a certain project entitled CAMEO, an LGBT movie about a woman who's just a lead character in her bestfriend's love story.

Due to consecutive works with each other, Chaeyoung and Mina became friends, but now after confessing their love for each other, they're lovers already.

"Shall we go on a date then?"

"Wait, I need to cancel my hangout with Sana. I'll get back at you, okay?" Mina said and pecked Chaeyoung's lips. The shorter woman beamed as her cheeks burned from giddy.

Mina smiled at the sight and walked to the balcony to call her friend.


Omo! You seem excited,
are you on your way?

No, actually I called
to say sorry. Can we
cancel our hangout today?

What?! Why?

I can't tell right now,
but I'll update you
tommorow, thanks!! and

Mina ended the call. After changing clothes, the couple left.

Meanwhile, Sana sat at the coffee shop where she and Mina were supposed to meet only if the latter didn't cancel it in the last minute. She came here 30 minutes earlier than the time they agreed upon, now she don't know what to do, she slumped on her seat.

"Do you want to order now ma'am?" The waitress asked for the third time

"I guess waiting for another minute would be in vain, let me just have a salad, and iced tea. Thankss" Sana said

"One salad and iced tea for a beautiful and patient lady, please wait for a bit ma'am" the waitress smiled

Sana reciprocated it and the other left.

'at least she made me smile'

She thought

Sana sat properly this time as she waited for her order. She looked outside through the glass walls and admired the very bright weather, what a shame.

"Here's your order ma'am" the waitress' voice made Sana turn her gaze away from the previous sight it was looking at.

After placing her orders on the table, the waitress smiled again and winked at her before leaving

Sana could only shook her head and grin

'I would have asked you out earlier if I'm not in love with someone else already'

She finished her plate of pasta and left the cafè with her tea.

"*sigh*... Now what should I do? Where should I go?" She asked herself

After contemplating, she decided to go to the nearest mall and check some perfume botiques and look for potential perfume to add in her collection.

She ends up in BVLGARI botiques and tried different scents but only one appealed to her and it was very familiar, it's BVLGARI's Omnia Amethyte, the same scent she smells whenever this particular young fine woman is near, the very pure yet elegant smell that lingers on the woman's body all throughout the day. Sana is sure Mina uses this perfume, they smell the same.

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