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There's this one person I like, she's Chaeyoung, it's been years since I've laid my eyes on her. Too bad, she's my friend's property.

We knew each other since colleg- she probably didn't know me until 5 years after college, we only met personally through Mina. She's actually sociable, she got friends of different ages but still act comfortably. She does treat me differently though, in fact, she acts a bit cautious around me, I don't know why, Mina, my friend and her girlfriend knows it. It hurts my heart, she seems too far to reach for me, but not with the others. She always had her eyes on me like warning me not to do anything unnecessary, I wanted to clear things with her and say,

' chill, I won't do anything you'll dislike. The fact that I like you restricts me of doing anything beyond the line'

But I can't do that, I'm a coward. And I wouldn't risk the tiniest bit of relationship we have right now.

"Y/N, Chaeng and I are going to the club later at 8, wanna tag along?"
Mina asked me

She's currently talking to Chaeyoung on her phone

"No thanks, I'm fine here....and I wouldn't want to go third-wheeling on you, I think I won't be able to contain any emotional breakdowns waiting ahead of me —if ever" I answered, blabbering on the latter part

"Chaeyoung-ah, Y/N wouldn't want to come, persuade her for me."
Mina stated making my eyes grew bigger from shock.

'what the heck?' I thought but secretly anticipating what Chaeyoung would say

"If a person doesn't want to go with you, don't insist on it. We don't want any more problems now. If she doesn't want to go, let her be. You're the only one here who wanted her to come, why would I beg for her?" I heard Chaeyoung shouted on the phone. Mina gave a sympathetic smile towards me as she knew I heard what her girlfriend had said. She then tried to console me after dropping the call and said,

"She's probably just not in the mood, by any means, you're coming with us tonight. I'll call you later" She said, I've got no choice so I agreed.

7:30  PM

I'm stuck here inside my room with all my clothes at the top of my bed. I don't know what to wear. I don't want to dress too much.

Mina calling........

             Answer                 Decline

We're on our way to
fetch you. Please wait
for us at the gate

Wait, what

*phone call ended

Mina hung up on me before I even say a word. I grabbed a random shirt and my ripped jeans, I don't care anymore.

I waited at the gate, as what Mina had instructed. They arrived later than I thought.

"Get in or we'll leave you there!"
Someone shouted just in front of me. It was Chaeyoung, I didn't even notice that they have arrived already. Mina was sitting at the left passenger seat so I opened the door on the other side.

"Oops, sorry Y/N, you can have the shotgun seat" Mina commented as she saw me aiming to sit beside her

"What? You're the girlfriend, why would I sit there?" I asked in confusion

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