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Nayeon's POV

"Tzuyu..." I called as I observed her face. Her eyes were closed. My heart hurts for her, Jeongyeon said no one visited her since she was sent here, I feel sorry for not contacting her that day.

"I thought she was already awake. What happened to her that day?" I asked the doctor

"No she's not awake yet... and she's not giving any signs that she'll wake up soon either. On September 30, she was sent here by the ambulance and the paramedics were gossiping about how witnesses say that she was crossing on the streets, the traffic lights were red so she did not violated the law but then there was a speeding car that came out of nowhere and hit her that sent her At most 3 meters away from the pedestrian lane. She hit her head that's why she's in comatose but her other physical injuries were healing already. We just have to wait for her will to live and wake up" Doctor Park answered honestly

Tzuyu's POV

I just watched them talked about what had happened to me. Now I remember all of it, ah that drunk driver.

My attention went to Nayeon unnie who stared and caress my unconscious body. How I wish my soul's inside my body so that I can feel her touch. She leaned down with her head at the side of my face and I was shocked.

"Are you going to kiss me unnie? Please not now, I want to feel it!" I shouted as though she will hear me but she stayed there still staring at my face so closely. Not long after, I saw her whispered something in my ear but I could not hear it.

"What was that unnie?!" I kept on shouting, trying to appeal to her to repeat what she whispered into my unconscious body.

I was hating myself for not hearing what she just said that I didn't noticed the time. They bid good-bye to doctor Park and then left. I wonder if she'll come back tommorow

The next day, Nayeon unnie fortunately visited me again. I felt sorry as I cannot entertain her so I tried imitating ghosts in the movies I've watched. I tried to glare at the flower vase at the table and my hand was reaching for nothing. I was thinking if I could make things levitate and float in the air just by staring at it. Of course it did not happen but I was persistent so I tried and tried. I wasted my time again doing that so when I felt stupid enough, I stopped and decided to just watched Nayeon unnie. She's using her phone, maybe scrolling in social medias or texting someone? Nah, I don't want to be negative right now so I just stared at her again and I fell... I fell deeply in love with her again and again. I don't know the reason why I loved her but I know it's not just because she's visually beautiful. I wonder if I ever wake up, would she ever give me a chance to be with her?.

Soon after, Nayeon unnie realized that it was starting to get dark so she took her bag, gave my body a short glance, and left.

The next days were just the same for me, Nayeon unnie visiting me but she'll busy herself with a phone, sometimes she'll visit me with Jeongyeon unnie. As for me, the wondering soul, I tried and tried to do things that are impossible. When I couldn't have things floating by state, I tried touching it but nah, it didn't worked. I tried meditating and imagined myself levitating but nah, that's even more impossible.

Today, Nayeon unnie was alone and busy with her cellphone again. My goal for today is to retry and align my soul back to my body to see if I could do it this time.

I sit at the bed and slowly fall back to completely get back to my body. I suddenly heard the ECG sounded a little off. Nayeon unnie was clearly nervous as she observed me for a little while. I looked at myself, I saw my soul was kind of like glitching but I felt like I couldn't move. Along with this scene was the sound of a straight deafening tone which signals that my heartbeat has stopped.

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