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"Tzu, do you want a drink? I will line up there and order" I said

Tzuyu looked at the long queue in front of the counter and smiled

"I'll do it unnie, what drink were you supposed to order?"
I couldn't help but smile back at her. 'Is she doing this because she don't want me to stand too long there? Ahhhh, that's so sweet of her'

"Ehem! An iced tea will do Tzuyu-ah"

She smiled once again and nodded at me before lining up.

For the first 3 minutes, I was just watching her play with her feet like vibrating it, it's like a mannerism when she's nervous. 'eh? Tzuyu is nervous? Why though? She's just lining in there'

After a few minutes, she tapped the shoulder of a the short-haired woman in front of her

'who is that?'

They were just talking, both of them were smiling at each other. Well that's natural for Tzuyu since she always smile even if she's talking to strangers, maybe she was just asking about something. I diverted my attention from them to the window and got lost in my thoughts.

'does Tzuyu know how I feel about her? I don't know what to even wish for. If she knows, then that must mean that she only see me as friends, but if she doesn't know, I badly want her to know....ahhhh, this is so frustratin—'

"What are you thinking unnie?" Tzuyu finally came back with our drinks. I blurted a small 'thanks' and sipped on my Iced tea.

"So...do you have somewhere else to go after drinking your coffee?"
I asked her

"I don't have anywhere else to go unnie, will you leave now?"

I badly wanted to invite her to walk outside but then she spoke again,

"I'll stay here a bit longer"

"Oh, it's alright Chewy, I'll go first. See ya!"

'I wonder why she's staying longer, is she waiting for someone?'

I left anyway and roam around by myself.


Few days after...

I was walking inside the campus because it's my free time when I saw Tzuyu smiling at my direction.

"Hello Nayeon unnie!"
She greeted

"You're all smiley today, did I made your day that much?"
I joked but she just kept on smiling.

"Do you know someone in the dance club unnie?"
She asked

"You want to join the dance club?"

She smiled embarrassingly and nodded her head

"Do you think I can be qualified?"

"Of course, you love dancing right? Your passion is enough to be qualified. Though I don't know anyone in the dance club, I would be glad to go with you there"
I said

"Ah, there's no need unnie, thank you for believing in me, I'll go now. Thank you!"
She run immediately while smiling.

'I guess she loves to dance that much that she smiled so widely towards the club'

Tzuyu got accepted at the dance club and I was so happy for her. I visit her during lunch break to give her some food and ask how her day was and she would stay to chit chat with me.

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