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Mina's POV

"Minari! come on let's go out for a date,it's getting late we might miss the sunset."  Chaeng called from the other side of the door. I was changing because she told me so

" ne,sorry it took me a bit long to choose what to wear.I wanted to look beautiful for you" I said as I walked out the room straightening my peach dress.

" you're always beautiful, don't worry too much"

I smiled and looked down a little,I was fluttered and she never fail to make me blush every time she compliment me.

We are now sitting beside each other watching the sun set.It was really a great view,a breathtaking one.
I always wanted to see the sunset because it really bring up happy memories to me every time I watch it.

"Wah...it's really beautiful" I blurted out

"I know, but do you know which is more beautiful than the sunset?" Chae asked

I looked at her and she was looking at me.

"Yeah,I know,and it is me" I joked around

She chuckled a bit but answered after

"Yeah you're beautiful but I just realized that Jihyo unnie looks beautiful too.I saw one picture of her on the internet where she out stand Jimin who was at her back." She said,I was a bit sad but didn't gave meaning to it.Jihyo unnie really is a goddess.

"Yeah right" I simply replied back

We came back at the dorm and after that day,things changed.

Chae suddenly become distant with me,but more close with the other members.

She doesn't talked to me that much unlike before.She doesn't cuddle me to sleep anymore but still sleep with me.The sad thing is that she was always facing her back to me.I often question myself if I did something wrong but I couldn't remember I did.

I was brought back from my own thoughts when Momo poked my cheeks.

"Are you okay? You're zoning out for a while now and it's happening for about a few days now as I observe" she asked

"I'm fine Momoring,just thingking about some things.Ow!did you see my Chaeyoungie?"

"She went out an hour ago together with Jihyo,I heard that she asked Jihyo to accompany her at a certain place though,where do you think they are going?"

The mention of her asking Jihyo out at some place made me zone out again and thoughts of her cheating on me was the only thing playing in my mind. I shouldn't be doubting her,especially Jihyo unnie, she's not a person like that.

I was brought back again to the real world by Momo.

"Hey,you're at it again,what really is your problem? I could help" she said.

"Thank you for your concern Momo but it's nothing really"

Then she sigh and walked out.

It's already 9:30 pm and they're still not here.I am waiting for them.They were out since 5 pm and yet they were not still here.I was feeling a bit uneasy about that and I can't help but to keep on distracting my mind out of negative thoughts.

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