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She's a good demon, I have stated this many times but no one believed me cause it's contradicting.

'There's no such thing as a good demon' they say,but they'll never change my mind otherwise.

She's a demon, she would always throw me into the wall like a piece of useless decoration at her study table when she's  furious, she'll slam a heavy slap at the both sides of my face when I make a mistake, and she'll burn my back with a cigarette whenever she's stressed. Yes, my love is a demon. But those things she do to me doesn't make me love her less, I love her too much that I'm willing to endure the pain may it be physical or emotional. I can say she's good because she does not push me away -literally yes but what I'm trying to say is that she doesn't push me away out of her life and that's enough for me to be grateful.

'ouch! Can't you be a little gentle Jihyo? I'm badly hurt'
I winced in pain

'how many times do I need to convince you? Leave that jerk-of-a-girlfriend that you have, your relationship isn't healthy anymore, I mean it wasn't healthy to begin with. I think you're the greatest mistake Cupid had shot. You're the obsessed type while she's violent, that isn't a good match at all'
Jihyo commented as she keeps on dabbing the cotton at my bleeding arm

'I've heard it many times from you Ji, don't worry I'm still alive, If die I won't bother you'
I joked

'yah! I'm serious!. Don't you dare come back here looking like a bloody corpse or I'll be the one to kill you!, Cut ties with that wicked woman!'

I know Jihyo is totally mad right now, I can't argue with her though, no one understands that I love Momo too much, too much that they pity me when I told them I couldn't leave her, I won't leave her.

'thank you Jihyo-ah, for always being there for me, I'm gonna head out now.thank you'
I left Jihyo's house and walked back towards our shared apartment.

As soon as I arrived in front of our door, I held the doorknob with my shaking hands. I'm afraid of what will welcome me this time, is it a thick book about business?, a glass figurine?.

Though I'm trembling in fear I turned the knob and opened the door slowly. Okay everything is fine, everything is still fine...

Until I saw the figure of my sexy violent girlfriend, she's smiling though.

I smiled back and went inside. She walked towards me after I closed the door, smile never leaving her mouth.

'welcome back my dear girlfriend, where have you been? I was waiting for you'
I smiled nervously and answered

' I just went into J-'

'who is it now? Jinyoung? Jeongyeon? Jaebum? Y/N?. Whose house did you went this time? What did you do?!'
I was startled as she interrupted my answer and I just moved backwards to avoid her wrath while she's accusing me again of cheating

'n-no I went to Jihyo's, she treated my w-wou-'

'don't you dare talk back on me!! You hoe'

I received a slap from her. I held my
stinging left cheek as my body tremble in fear

'I'm sorry' tears are threatening to flood from my eyes so I closed my eyes to get rid of them.

'okay' I looked at her in shock, she won't beat me up?

'why are you so shock?'
She asked

I calmed myself, afraid that she'll change her mind and really beat me up.

'n-nothing... thank you'
I'm just shocked that you let me pass. Are you changing into a better person now?

I slowly left and walked towards our bedroom. It's already late so I lay down looking at the ceiling. The thing that Jihyo told me earlier invaded my mind, should I break up with Momo?, But she didn't beat me today and that may be a sign that she's changing. I'm gonna give her one last chance, if she do harm me one more time, I'm gonna give up on us.

I heard the room door creaking open so I scooted at the side, my back facing the door. I felt the bed sink after a while, signaling my partner's arrival.
I felt warm arms wrapping around my waist as she spoke

'Nayeon-ah I'm sorry, for always hurting you. I didn't know it even went to the point that you're expecting me to do it, just like what happened earlier, I'm really sorry I can't control myself'

I didn't answer and just held her arms that was wrapped around me, soon after I fell into my Dreamland.


'w-what did you s-say?'
I looked at her eyes, they were full of sadness and guilt. It's been a week since the last time I was hit by Momo, and today, she just abused me once again, this was the last warning.

'I-I don't think I can handle it anymore, I'm breaking up with you'
I was saying these words while looking down, I didn't want this to happen but she harmed me again, I think I almost fainted, gladly I regained strength after some time.

'no, no, this ain't happening, tell me you're joking!, are you sick of me? Do you not love me anymore?'
She paced back and forth holding her head and messing up her hair

'you know I love you'
I told her

'then why? Are you really sick of me?'

'I-I'm not, but I'm sick of you beating me to death almost every day!, Do I look like a punching bag to you? Am I just a stress reliever?
I didn't know that that's the way you should treat your GIRLFRIEND!'
I glared at her but I immediately became soft when I see her crying her eyes out. Oh gosh Nayeon you're too whipped, don't fall into her trap, not for the second time.

She kneeled down in front of me holding my hand, begging

'p-please don't leave me Nayeon, I love you. I really do. Please give me one more chance'

She clasped her hands with mine and cried in front of me. I didn't dare look so I just looked anywhere but her and kept silent

'love, I'm begging you, I'll do everything...

Do you want me to go to a rehabilitation center?'

I instantly looked at her as I heard what she said, she was thinking about it too and then looked at me

' I'm willing to go to the rehabilitation center, I will do that for you Nayeon, just please promise me that you'll wait for me, that you'll gonna help me get rid of the violent and aggressive me, please'

I smiled at her and answered

'I promise'


'Nayeon, Please wait for me...
I love you'
She was tearing up as she blurted out those words. She's about to enter the rehabilitation center

She turned her back to me and started walking inside after concluding that I'm not gonna answer back

She looked back within a flash as if she's really waiting for me to call her

'I love you too!'
She cried much more and dropped her things. She run back to my place and engulfed me with a warm hug

'I'll always wait for you Momoring, don't cry now. Just be good and we'll be together again,okay?'
She just nod and sniffed. I stiffle a laugh as I caressed her back

'I'm gonna go now'
She pulled away from the hug and smiled at me. I wiped her tears and reciprocate the smile

'see you soon, my Momoring'

I kissed her forehead and waved my goodbye

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