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Christmas season, everyone is enjoying the overwhelming ambience as December radiates the vibe of generosity, love, and giving through the colorful Christmas lights in random streets and houses, decorations, and music.

Lastly, the very essence of Christmas is to celebrate it with your family whether you're incomplete or not and that's exactly what the Yoo's are doing.

"Jeongyeon! come here and I'll ask for a little favor" said the head of the family, Mr. Yoo

Jeongyeon complied and stood in front of her father

"What is it father?" She asked

"Your mother said she needs to perfect her dish for us to enjoy the Christmas. The problem is she forgot some ingredients. Since I know you won't be joining us to eat later because you're not into such things as Christmas celebration, could you get it for her?" The father explained

"Of course, I would totally love to go outside than do some chit chat" Jeongyeon replied as she mumbled the last phrase not wanting her father to hear it.

"Okay, take this and come back as soon as possible" he said and patted her shoulder.

Jeongyeon grabbed her thick black coat, bonnet, ear muffs, mittens, and scarf just to make sure she'll have something to warm her if she cannot handle the called. She walked out and enjoyed the cold breeze wearing the black coat and scarf. Jeongyeon does not hold any grudge to her parents, it's just that she has a cold personality. She's introverted, therefore she enjoys solitude, quietness, and the like that's why she wanted to go out instead.

On the other hand, a certain woman felt lost literally and emotionally. With tremble, she ventured the unfamiliar snow-filled streets looking for someone to extend help to her. Her situation was very opposite to what she should feel this season. She can feel tears flowing from her eyes as she turned her head left and right anxiously. She's a mess, she's sad and anxious at the same time. Sad because she's probably cuddling with her parents or eating with them right at this moment if she just didn't initiate the topic of having an apartment for herself to prove that she's a strong independent woman already resulting to their serious argument about it and her past mistakes being digged and talked about again. The very upsetting thing they did to her was disowning her as their daughter; anxious because she does not know where she is right now and where the heck is she even heading to. She's already regretting her decisions in life but she could not just come back to her parents and kneel in front of them for forgiveness,

'I still got some pride and dignity to keep so I won't come back to them, at least not right now' she thought.

With the remaining energy she has, she tried to look for places she could spend the night. Fortunately, she found a small park with benches and sat there at the side. The night was very cold yet there were still a great amount of people right there, probably having their loved ones beside them make them warm.

Sana was once again reminded of her parents, her heart hurts so much. She brought her knees near her chest and hug it to provide some heat to her body and heart as she knows she's not really fond of cold.

A woman sat at her left side so she tried to stifle her emotion, trying not to gain attention.

"Take this" the woman said smiling at her while handing a hot pack

"Thank you very much" she reciprocated the smile as she received the hot pack

"I badly want to give you this coat but I'm afraid my boyfriend will ask about it and doubt me. I'm sorry. You should go home now, it's really cold" the woman said and bid her goodbye after Sana expressed her gratitude

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