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Trigger Warning:
This chapter contains mention and scene-description of self harm, death, and the likes. If you think these things will trigger something in you, it is best not to read this chapter. Thank you


I'm sorry Nayeon, I promise to settle this problem as soon as possible....


No, no. Of course I don't wish for Momo to die but... we all know our relationship is forced, you're the one that I love. Just give me time to settle things with her and her parents


Thank you for understanding me, Babe. I'll talk to you again soon. I love you, bye.

'Is this really what I want?'
Momo thought after eavesdropping on Jeongyeon's phone call with her real lover, Nayeon. Yes you read it right, Nayeon is the real lover while Momo is the fake one. She's not a concubine or a slut, or anything like that. Their relationship was arranged (not marriage but just a natural girlfriend-girlfriend relationship) by Momo herself as her last wish. Yes you read it right once again, last wish. Momo was born with blood cancer, leukemia to be exact, but the worst effects and symptoms are only manifesting right now when she's in her 20's and her doctor told her she only has a few months, 5 months maximum left that's why she chose to be selfish and forced JEONGYEON, her long time crush and love from high school, to be with her in her remaining days.

It came as a great shock for her and her family when the doctor told them the her leukemia was slowly killing her despite the fact that  she is very strong and healthy physically, except for the random bruises that appeared out of nowhere when she turned 24 this year. The doctor offered bone-marrow transplant but there were no donor that would match hers so they are still  looking for donors everywhere. As for chemotherapy, Momo refused to do that due to the fact that it will only lessen the time of her death, but not eliminate the disease, 'at least if we wait for a bone marrow donor, I would have a high success rate in eradicating the cancer, with my hair and eyebrows still sticking in me' she said.

"5 months... Am I really going to die?" Momo mumbled

"If you want to live longer, you should do chemotherapy" Jeongyeon replied as she sat at the sofa right next to Momo's bed.

"What would I even do in case I have the chance to live longer when you are only staying by my side temporarily?" Momo mumbled once again but not enough for Jeongyeon to hear.

"Stop mumbling things and just sleep" the older one uttered as she tucked Momo under the warm blanket.

Despite being forced into staying by her side, Jeongyeon acts so caring to her, cooking healthy foods for her, tucking her to bed, or bringing her to places that she wants to visit. Momo couldn't help but be delusional and think that the older one is slowly falling for her, but that thought would instantly vanish every end of the  night because she would always eavesdrop on Jeongyeon's call with Nayeon. It's like her daily routine; delusionally happy from morning until the sun's down and sleeping with tears rolling down her face while listening to her unwanted lullaby, Jeongyeon and Nayeon's phone call, to end the day.

That night, Momo surprisingly slept without tears flooding her bed.

The next day, Jeongyeon took Momo to the park just to chill and waste some time. For Momo, it's not waste of time but a time to make memories.

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