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The people here must be thinking that I'm a stalker or something so I looked at them, displayed my cutest grin and shake my hands and head subtly in a way that tells them, 'No, I'm not stalking that beautiful lady walking ahead of me'.

They just looked at me though and raised their eyebrows. I even saw one that motion to her friends that I must be crazy. If I'm not desperate to know that woman I'm following, I will surely strangle this lady. This beautiful Japanese face is crazy? Seriously? She must be blind. I sighed and just continue following the lady earlie-

"Where did she go?"
I blurted after seeing no one. Does she walk that fast? This is a long straight path though, I must find her.

With that in mind, I walked fast as well to reach the end of this straight path, I look from left to right in hope that I might find a hidden pathway or something but to no avail.

"Are you stalking me?"

"Ahhhh!" I was flabbergasted by the voice so I looked behind where the voice came from.

"Wher- How- How did you appeared so suddenly from there?! Gosh you scared me!" I said as I place my hands in my chest as I catch my breath

The woman did not seemed moved by my shout and just raised her eyebrow at me

"So...were you stalking me?"
She asked once again

"Ah, yes!- I mean no!-ahhh honestly, yes. Uhm..I just wanna know your name hehe" I said as I scratch my head in embarrassment.

"You wouldn't want to know me" she simply said and walked past me. I literally felt her giving me a cold shoulder. I felt sudden chills but followed her still

"Can't I know your name at least?"

"What for?"

"Uhm...I just wanna be... friends?"
I answered unsure

"What's your name?"

"Sana! name is Sana hehe"

"Ohh, can you not shout? I might die from shoc- oh I forgot"
She was blabbering at the last part of what she's saying

"So...can we be friends?"
I asked and smiled widely

"Momo. That's my name"

"Kyahhhhh thank you my Momo"
I said and run for a hug but she was quick to step backwards making me fall flat with my face first.

"Ow...that hurts so much"
I groaned in pain

"Won't you at least help me stand?"


"Ahh you're so hard-hearted Momo. It's not a good match to your sweet-looking face"
I stood up slowly, and dust off my front. Fortunately, there's no scrape or wound in my body.

Momo did not reply and turned here back on me to continue walking.

"Ahh seriously?"
I exclaimed in disbelief

I followed her immediately, and as we walked for about 15 minutes, the surroundings that we're walking in became familiar to me.

"You know where I live, Momo?"
I asked

"Huh? Of course not, I'm walking to my home. So you should go home as well, okay?"

"I AM walking home as well"
I said


We continued walking, but quietly this time. As we were one block away from my home, Momo stopped and looked at me.

"I'll go first, this is my home. Walk yourselves home"
She said and I just stared at her with wide eyes. Before she can even walk inside, I shouted at her.

"That-You live there?"
I asked in disbelief. She stopped and turn around to face me with her eyebrow, raising once again.

"That house is abandoned"

"And who told you that?"

"The home owners club members"

Woah, she suddenly had a different emotion

"You live here?"

"I live there"
I said, as I pointed the house right next to the abandoned one which she just said she lived in.

"Kyahhh, maybe the home owners got it wrong, but why did I only knew someone lived here?"

"Yeah, right. I'll go first then"
She said and was about to open the door but stopped once again and looked at me

" Go now"

I looked at her for a minute and just went inside my house.


Since Sana have known Momo, she always asked her to go out and somewhere. The latter would always decline but when Sana acted like she'll drag her out, she just says yes.

A Park is a common go-to for younger generation and this is where both Momo and Sana are.
Many people have been wandering around but they vanish as soon as the sun sets. But things are different for these two ladies. Sana convinced Momo to stay a bit later and enjoyed the starry night before ending the day.

*Bell rings*

No, it's not a school bell, instead, it's an ice cream cart.

"An ice cream cart during this hour? That's kind of unusual"
Momo commented

"My favoriteeee"
Said the squirrel-faced Sana as she stood up and approach the vendor.

Sana went back hopping on her way with two ice cream cones, one from each hand.

She shouts and placed the ice cream in the latter's hand.

It fell

Momo is gone

Sana exclaimed confusingly as she tried to blink her eyes multiple times, wishing that her eyes just played tricks on her.

But it wasn't

Momo is gone, from a very fast mysterious scenario, she was gone.

She looked at the ice cream that fell, it felt so real. She looked back at the ice cream vendor, he's there shrugging his shoulder at her as his eyebrow is also raised.

"Was I... imagining things?, Am I dreaming?, Was she...a ghost?"

With these questions in mind, Sana went back home emotionless, ad if the problem of the world was placed all on her.

She met a member of the home owners club and asked bravely,

"Mrs. Yoo, are you sure the house beside mine is abandoned?"

"Yes, of course. It has been abandoned for almost 5 years. Do you hear some paranormal activities happening there?"
Mrs. Yoo answered, and laughed at the last part as if it was funny

"Can I know who the last owner of that house?'

"Ad far as I remember, it's a Japanese woman named Momo, Hirai Momo"
Sana's eyes went wide after hearing the familiar name

"Wh-Where is she now?"

"Unfortunately, she died"


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