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3rd Person's POV

"Here's your order Ma'am, please enjoy"
Nayeon said as she placed the woman's order at her table.

Nayeon went back to the counter and do her job. She's a regular waitress at this famous cafe called, MAKE ME GO. She meet different people everyday, business man, students, a commoner, you name it. It was hard to remember if this people are first timer or not but this certain woman caught Nayeon's attention. She was always there, with a cup of Americano and a thick book in her hand. This is how she saw her everyday. She's always alone and stays at the cafe for almost one and a half our, Nayeon thinks it's boring.

"Nayeon, please take this in table 12"
Her co-worker called

Customers always asked for her service because she has this unique aura around her which captures the customers. She's cute and bubbly, maybe that's one of the reasons. But that woman never asked for her

'maybe she don't like me?' she thought.

After several hours, the customers have left. It was almost 8 in the evening, the closing time is supposed to be 8:30 but there's no sign of anyone coming so they decided to close early tonight.

As Nayeon arrived at her home, she laid in her bed and thought about that regular customer and asked herself for some possible reasons why she's not asking for her service, unfortunately,she could not come up with any reasons and fell asleep instead.

The next day, Nayeon is working again. A lot of customers came causing for all of the workers to be busy. Finally, Nayeon got a little break.

"Nayeon, I know you're on break right now but all the waitress are busy. Can you take this in table 04?" Nayeon agreed and took the cup of Americano in her hands.

She looked for the person in table 4 as she stepped forward. After she saw who that person is, she went back to her co-worker and asked,

"Did she asked for someone's service?"

"No, she's regular here but she never asked for anyone in particular"

After that, she then proceed towards the customer

"Excuse me Ms. here's your Cafe Americano"
She said, trying to catch the woman's attention who's drowned in her book.

The woman didn't budge so Nayeon cleared her throat and asked again.

"Ahm, Ms?" She asked and moved in front of the girl, trying to catch her attention. The woman finally noticed her presence, she stood up and bow as an apology.Nayeon displayed her big toothy smile and placed her order on the table.

"Enjoy your day"
She beamed

The latter smile, a gummy smile. Nayeon was mesmerized

'she looks unrealistic'
She thought

Finally, Nayeon realized that she was staring for too long. She bowed again and left the latter unwillingly.

Through the next days, Nayeon tried befriending the woman but she isn't saying a single word ,she just have the smile on her face. Nayeon thought of a possible way to communicate with her.

Nayeon's POV

"Did she ever talked to you or anyone else here?" I asked my colleague about the same woman I saw everyday

"Not really, she smiles a lot but never uttered a single word" Jihyo answered

"Let me give her order, please"

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