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It was already dark, but not enough to hide the roughly stepped-on grasses which serves as her trail back inside.

Not a minute passed and Sana hears foreign steps behind her. Her heart starts pounding in fear.

'I hope it's just my hallucination'

She continued walking as if she didn't noticed the sound. Faster and faster, she walks, almost running. But the entity behind, whether it's a human or a creep, it keeps on following her.

And so she halts suddenly and looks behind.

There, the man which she can identify as the man earlier, was running towards her, so fast that she also run, off the trail she was supposed to go, as she was afraid the man would keep up on her and capture her if she go straight.

Sana keeps running and running, she probably would find it hard to go back, but she does not mind, as long as she's safe from this creepy man running after her.

Due to mindless running, Sana trips on a tree branch laid on the ground. She stumble and fell on a hole which was clearly dug out.

'Did I fell on a trap? Pleas, I hope not'

She prays as she cover her mouth despite breathing heavily.

She hears noises from the bushes, it was so close to her. She close her eyes and prayed so hard not to get caught.

The sound stopped for a while but this does not ease her mind.

'what if he already knew I was here?'

She trembles at the thought, it made her tear up in fear.

When no one was coming for a few minutes, she decided to peek slightly from the hole she was in.

She tiptoed occasionally to see clearly, but when she was about to see what's up there, a sound of a person jumping in the hole just behind her interrupted.

She turn around immediately and squealed in fear but a hand covered her mouth

"Shh" says the invader.

"T-Tzuyu?" she mumbled

The latter did not answer and peek above them as if she was also aware of the man running after Sana.

"He's gone" Tzuyu said

"I was looking for you, Jihyo said you were supposed to be on the washroom but you're not there, it's almost an hour. So I look fo-"

Tzuyu wasn't able to finish what she was saying when Sana sniffed and starts crying.

She hugs the girl hesitantly and pats her back

"Shh it's fine now, let's go back hm"

Sana did not respond but pull out from the hug.

They start coming back up from the hole they are in and Tzuyu led the way.

Once they arrived back inside, Tzuyu guided Sana to Jihyo who greeted her with a hug, and a worried face.

Tzuyu went straight to the office of the higher ups and reported the staff who asked Sana to go and buy cigarette outside.

Staffs weren't forbidden to ask favor from the people in Mary's ville but since the staff was the sole reason why Sana got into this situation, the higher ups gave him a punishment which would last for about a month.

The next day, Sana woke up from slumber. She stared at the ceiling and remember the happenings yesterday and was very relieved she made it back home. Thank to Tzuyu.

"Speaking of Tzuyu.."
Sana stood up and did her morning routine and went outside looking for the younger one.

She saw Tzuyu sitting just by the doorstep of her shared dorm room.

She approached her slowly

"Ehem!" She successfully got the younger's attention as it look at her

"Ohh, you're here. How are you"

"Yeah, I'm fine now. Thank you, really Tzuyu, about yesterday. If it weren't for you I would have been dead by now" she said with all sincerity

"Don't say that"

She sat beside her and argue with Tzuyu about how she was really thankful and that she really would be dead if not for her.

From then on, Sana and Tzuyu got less and less awkward with each other, Tzuyu starts reacting to her classmates teasing about them as well,  Sana was very delighted. Though it seems like they're just up to that, nothing more.


I hope this was fine hehe. Till next update!!

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