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Jeongyeon loves to buy things or give gifts to her close friends. Whenever they would hang out, she would constantly offer to buy them snacks or pay for their meals. She's been like this for years, they didn't think much of it, but does not forget to be grateful.

Of all her friends, there are those who shamelessly accepts her offer all the time, and the ones who always reject her. Momo is the former, while Mina is the latter. Despite this though, Jeongyeon does not waver to offer to both girls, that's why no one think much about it.

Currently, Momo, Jeongyeon, Nayeon, and Mina are roaming around the food court inside the mall.

"Have you seen something you like yet?" Jeongyeon asked her friends




"None yet"

All said yes while one said no. As always, it was Mina.

"That's fine, you still have time to look around" Jeongyeon answered and smile. After that, she bought her other three friend's requests.

Once Jeongyeon finished tending to her three friends, Mina already got her food, losing her opportunity to buy for her.


In a different instance, Jeongyeon, Sana, Mina, Momo, and Jihyo planned to hangout in a theme park. Sounds childish but most of them are dying to go here since forever.

"I wanna go to the ferris wheel"

"Me too"

"I'd like to try the bumper cars"

Sana, Momo, and Jihyo exclaimed. Jeongyeon then smiled and look at Mina, waiting for her answer. After minutes of silence, she asked,

"How about you, Mina. Have you seen something you like yet?"

"Uhm..I don't actually ride these things, they're scary"

Jeongyeon smiled sadly but did not force it

"I guess I'll just try these shooting games" Mina added

The rest nodded and proceed on their chosen rides. Jeongyeon, on the other hand, accompanied Mina.

While the two were roaming around on the mini games inside the theme park, Mina would space out from time to time, or stare at some people unfamiliar to Jeongyeon. At some point, she thought Mina was staring at a junior from their university, but she forget that though because it's nonsense.

The day ended and it seemed like Momo, Jihyo, and Sana were the only ones who enjoyed their hangout.

Days passed and nothing's new, Momo accepts whatever Jeongyeon offers while Mina does the opposite. She's constantly spacing out as well which bothered Jeongyeon lately.

"Jokbal!" Momo shouted as she saw Jeongyeon ordered it

The latter smiled and shared some of her jokbal with Momo, she then looked at Mina and raised her brows as if nonverbally offering her some but Mina smiled and refused politely before spacing out again.


Momo caressed Jeongyeon's back

"I know I always take your offers, I just love everything that is free, you know? Hehe" she joked as if she knew Jeongyeon is hiding a burden based from that heavy sigh.

"Silly Momo-ring, that's fine, I don't mind giving you free food all the time, at least you're not malnourished" she replied

"Yeah, you know I'm just comforting you, tsk" she hissed playfully as if she was forced to console her friend.

"What for?" She asked genuinely

Momo only pouted her lips towards Mina who was still staring somewhere.

Jeongyeon followed where she pointed at and saw Mina staring at random strangers in the school—wait, no. That's not a stranger anymore.
Mina is staring at the same junior student they saw at the theme park.

Jeongyeon now realized that this girl was the same girl Mina had been staring at for the past few weeks, and she saw how her friend's eyes lit up slightly whenever she space out.

"Mina-yah, have you seen something you like yet?" Momo suddenly asked

"Huh? Yeah—I mean—what? What were we talking about again?" Mina seemed lost.

Jeongyeon smiled at her

"Have you seen something you like yet?" Jeongyeon reiterates

"What do you mean?" Mina was genuinely confused

"As for me, I have found something I like, but I guess it's already taken"

Mina tilt her head as she could not keep up with her friends' conversation

"Are we talking about food? I'll share mine with you after buying there at the counter" she said as she stand and was about to go to the counter.

"Silly, no it's fine Mina, I'll wait till the dish is ready for me, the crew said I just need to wait"

"Ok?" she answered hesitantly as she looked at Momo, who only shrugged her shoulders


This is very short for the first update after a few months, but I hope you understand the story hehe. I'll publish some chapters on the following days :)

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