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"Nayeon unnie, you do not have to cook, okay? The food is in the table, I'll be back after work. Don't go outside, it's dangerous"
Jihyo, Nayeon's younger sister, reminded her.

"I wouldn't dare" Nayeon replied

Jihyo smiled at her sister empathetically. She soon left and Nayeon was all alone in their house, it was silent. Nayeon was only thankful that they live in the province, she could here the sough of the wind everyday.

Noon came and Nayeon was hungry, she stood up from the bed and walked her way towards the dining table. She bumps into different things from time to time but it wouldn't cause any accident, they don't have things such as glasses that could break into pieces with one fall. Finally, she made it through the kitchen and ate slowly, trying not to cause a mess.

On the other hand, a fine young woman got lost on her way to a nearby strawberry farm. She saw a tree beside a house, it was offering shade from the sun so she went there and rest for a while.

Soon after, she saw a woman from the said house, staring outside through her window. She was sure there wasn't anyone there earlier but the girl suddenly appeared. She shrugged the thought away and tried initiating a conversation.

"Hello Ms."
She started

"Uhm, who are you?" The woman asked after moving her head towards the voice but her eyes weren't focused on the person.
The younger woman didn't mind it and turned her gaze in the surroundings as she replied,

"My name's Tzuyu, I was about to head on my friend's strawberry farm, sadly I got lost on the way. Do you happen to know where that is?"

"Not really, but I heard there's a farm nearby, not sure if it's strawberry"
The woman replied, gaze still fixed somewhere far

"Thank you,Ms.."
Tzuyu said hinting for the latter to say her name

"You don't need to know my name, you can go now and check the farm I was talking about"

Tzuyu felt dejected but smiled in return

"Too bad, anyway thank you Window Girl. See you when I see you"
She then left to look for the farm while smiling to herself

'she's pretty cute' she thought

Nayeon's POV

"Unnie, I'm home"
I heard the door opened after Jihyo shouted from the outside.

"You're pretty early today"
I said

"I know right, from today on I'll be home earlier than usual. My work became lighter and it was pretty easy to do" Jihyo replied

"Good for you. By the way, a lady came by earlier... I mean she said she got lost on her way to a strawberry farm, is there such thing as a strawberry farm here?" I asked

"Uhm.. oh yes there is. Do you remember Chaeyoung the smol bean? She owns that farm nearby. It's pretty cute actually, she became the literal strawberry princess" Jihyo said enthusiastically

"Yes I remember, ah I badly want to see that cub"

"I'll accompany you there when I'm free"

"No it's fine Jihyo, I especially don't want to cause any mishaps there"
I replied, tho I really want to go and at least sit outside this house.

"No, I'll take you there" Jihyo insisted. I just stayed silent and wished that it would come true.

The next day was just the same, Jihyo left for work and I stayed in my window.

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