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Merry Christmas guysss, I'm here again popping out randomly. I'm sorry for being MIA for I don't know how long. I had a strange dream so I wanted to incorporate that here. I also don't know if you still read this book, but if you do, please enjoy!


It's a usual day in Mary's ville. Sana does not even know what kind of place she's in. They just grew up there in an orphanage-like facility. The only difference is that they have rooms for different activities such as classroom, music room, art, and many more. They are also not out for adaption possibly because they're all teenage to young adults there.

"Sa-chan! Our choir practice will start, come on" called her friend, Jihyo

Sana then walked beside her friend towards the music room.

"So, how is it with her?" Jihyo asked as she raise her brows playfully

Without even mentioning a name, Sana already know who she's talking about.

She rolled her eyes at Jihyo and answered,

"Nothing new, Ji. We're still kinda awkward with each other"

Sana was talking about her crush, Tzuyu who resides with them in Mary's ville. She had this long time crush for the younger for almost 12 years or 22 even, if having a crush since birth is possible. This is because Sana had never had a crush on anyone else since Tzuyu. Yup, cliché, she knows, but that's just how it really is.

Tzuyu knew that the older had a crush on her, except for some classmates teasing them, it was also very obvious. Despite that, she does not reciprocate, nor react to the teasing. She just displays her I-don't-care-and-I-don't-hear-anything face. Yup, she does that after all these years.

"Nah, that's fine. She'll melt in 3022, don't worry" Jihyo assures, making her friend glare at her. She just laughed.

Once they arrived at the music room, the others were already there, including Tzuyu.

Sana intentionally sits at the opposite corner of her crush, to avoid awkwardness. It was successful as she was quite comfortable throughout the choir practice.

"Alright, clean up guys! You have the evening for yourselves" the choir conductor announced.

The group cheered in chorus

Jihyo soon approached her friend again so that they could walk to the dormitory together.

"Let's go" Sana nods in agreement as they left the room.

"Let me tell you something" Jihyo starts

Sana just hums in acknowledgement.

"I saw Tzuyu stealing some glances"
This made Sana halt

She covers her now flushed cheeks as she displays a disbelief expression.

"Are you sure? Were you not hallucinating?"

"Of course I'm sure, I saw it with my two big eyes" Jihyo confirms

Sana squeals like a maniac

"I can't believe it!"

"Shh don't get too excited, I didn't said she was stealing glances at you though" Jihyo said, cutting Sana's excitement

"Wait, what? Then who is it? Is it Mina?" The older bombarded the younger with questions. The latter just shrugs and walked ahead

"Yah!" And they run on the hallways.

After a few minutes of running, they finally reached their shared dorm room gasping for air.

"I'll be sure to kill you later Ji"
Sana said as she slowly relaxed.

"Anyway, I'll just take a bath. How about you?"

"I'll go later, Sa-chan. There's probably a long queue there"

Sana okays and take her clothes, along with her toiletries.

Once she arrived at the washroom area, she saw quite a long queue of people.

This made her sigh. She planned to go back on her room and just let the long queue subside but a staff she was quite closed with called for her.

"Sana-ssi! Can I ask for a favor?"

She did not want to be rude, therefore she said yes.

"Can you buy me some cigarettes there at Mercedita's store?"

It was a store outside the facility they are in and she was kinda hesitant since it's quite far.

"Can't I just buy those right there at Guillen's?" She asked, pointing at a nearby store just inside the facility.

"At Mercedita's please" he emphasized with a  little hint of sarcasm in his plea.

'I shouldn't be rude' Sana thought

And so she unwillingly took her first step towards the said store.

There was a shorter alternative route towards the 'outside world'. More like the community outside Mary's Ville. However it seems to be part of the woods. Trees, both dead and fresh, cover it along with the average-height unfamiliar grasses, fallen leaves, branches, and twigs.

Due to urgency of coming back before it gets too dark, Sana decided to trail on an unfamiliar path.

About 6 minutes in, she could see the fragile barricade that divides Mary's ville from outside. She casted a sigh of relief.

After passing the barricade, she walked a few more steps to reach Mercedita's store. The store was quite popular but fortunately there were only about 10 people, she still needs to wait for her turn to purchase.

She started to get worried as the sun already set and darkness starts invading the sky. The store owner, who was also responsible for the counter, keeps chitchatting with each and every customer that pass.

Finally, her turn comes as she placed the box of cigarette she'd like to purchase.

"Hi, I think I saw you before. Are you from there?" The owner asked as she pouted, pointing at Mary's ville.

Sana smiles politely and nodded

"I didn't know that that place hides gorgeous ladies" the man behind her, who was also on queue, commented.

He stared at her up and down suspiciously which sent her chills and made her uncomfortable.

"That's ₩2,100"

Sana paid the exact amount and starts to leave.

She took one last glance at the man earlier and he was taking his turn paying for the things he purchased.

She sighed and relaxed as she walks towards the barricade she once passed.

Unbeknownst to her, after the man paid for his things, he secretly starts tailing behind her.

to be continued

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