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"Chaeyoung you can play outside. I saw some kids playing out there, you might want to have friends?"
Chaeyoung's mother said.

The Son family came from Seoul, South Korea but the cost of living suddenly went high that they couldn't afford to rent a house, now they moved to Gwangju.

"D-do you think I can get along with them?"
Little Chaeyoung asked

"Of course baby, and I heard there are Japanese people in the neighborhood"
The mother encouraged her shy daughter.

After thinking, Chaeyoung agreed and went towards the playground. A it of kids were playing on the slides but what she wanted was to ride the swing.

She sat on one of the swing. She felt envious about them because they get along well.

"Are you new here?"
A squirrel-looking girl suddenly blocked her front view. She looked older than Chaeyoung
Chaeyoung became shy again and just nodded in reply

"Do you want to play with us?"
Asked the same girl

"C-can I?"

"Of course, we're friends now"
The the squirrel replied

Everyone introduced themselves and eventually became friends. Sana is the name of the squirrel-looking girl, Minatozaki Sana,she's Japanese.

The older told Chaeyoung that she'll introduce her to her younger sister,but they were living separately because the grown-ups have a few misunderstanding.

Months have passed and Chaeyoung became more social, thanks to her dearest friend,Sana.

First day of December, Sana came knocking on Son's front door.

"Oh Sana-ssi, looking for Chaeng?"
Mrs. Son asked

"Yes Mrs.Son, my little sister arrived today and I promised Chaeng to meet her"
Sana beamed

Mrs.Son reciprocated the action and called her daughter. Chaeyoung came rushing down towards the door.As soon as Sana saw the latter, they immediately left the house. Sana asked Chaeyoung to wait in the playground for she will still fetch her sister. Chaeyoung complied and waited patiently.

Not soon after, Chaeyoung saw Sana's figure along with a smaller girl. The view was still a bit blurry but Chaeyoung can definitely see the beauty on Sana's younger sister.

As the sisters arrived, Chaeyoung was stunned, speechless.

'how can someone so young be this elegant?'
She thought



Chaeyoung went back on her senses as she heard Sana yelling her name

"This is Mina, Myoui Mina, she's younger than me but older than you"
Sana said

Mina smiled shyly,but her gummy smile showed nonetheless. Chaeyoung thought it was cute, she's definitely cute.

Chaeyoung introduced herself as well, after some time they both were talking nonstop about strawberries and penguins. Sana felt out of place, it was like she was never there at all. She felt sad but glad at the same time, Mina was a total introvert and it was rare for her to make friends so Sana let them be.

Chaeyoung and Mina became really closed to each other, they were always outside playing or just plainly talking about random ideas during December. They both exchanged gifts, just the two of them. Sana on the other hand was trying her best to fit in on their relationship but she fails all the time, so she let them be again.

Unfortunately by the end of the month, Mina needed to went back home. They were all sad about that matter but Sana was feeling happy.

Chaeyoung felt down for almost a week and didn't played with Sana but they made up later on when Sana explained that Mina only went back in their home during December to celebrate the holidays with the whole family.

Sana became happy again. She told herself that it's not a bad thing that Chaeyoung and Mina were firemds because they only met during December so she wasn't jealous anymore. But as they grew older, Sana noticed that Chaeyoung was always talking about Mina, asking her about Mina... It was all about Mina.

Sana was mad at herself for not doing her best to be as elegant as Mina, to be as so timid but adorable as Mina, she was mad at herself because she's not Mina. She admitted to herself that she loves Chaeyoung but since the younger met Mina, she already knew she wasn't the best for Chaeyoung. Despite that, she remained on the tiger's side and accepted her obvious admiration towards her younger sister.

10 years later...

Sana is now 23 years old, still in love with her friend Chaeyoung.
The latter is now 19 years old, she told her secret to Sana, her secret that she loves her younger sister. Sana lied that she was shocked when she totally knew it all long ago, she also wished Chaeyoung a good luck.
As for Mina, she's 21 years old, she still comes back during December.

"Chaeyoung, Sana's been been waiting for too long, I think you should go to her now"
Mrs.Son said as she grabbed Chaeyoung's empty plate.

"You shouldn't make a girl wait especially when she's that kind and cute at the same time"
Chaeyoung's mom added

"What are you talking about mom? Sana unnie isn't cute anymore. She's 23 and I see her face literally everyday"
Chaeyoung answered

"That's not what I mean"
Her mother grinned at her and left the kitchen. Chaeyoung was confused but shrugged it off

Chaeyoung and Sana walked towards the university together and talked about Mina, as usual.

After school, the two walked home together talking about how their day went and about Mina, as usual. Sana was used to it.

Around the middle of November, Chaeyoung walked her way towards Sana's home to hang out. It was unplanned, she didn't informed the older that she's coming.

She was not that far from the Minatozaki's home when she saw a lady waiting outside the door. She looked closely and her eyes grew big from happiness.

She shouted and run towards the latter. She hugged her so tight as if they never saw each other last year.

"Oh, Chaeyoungie you're here"
Mina smiled

"That's my line, you're here earlier than expected. It's not yet December right? But I'm glad"
Chaeyoung said

"Oh Mina, why are you still outside?"
A voice interrupted

Chaeyoung looked towards the person and saw Sana with a short haired girl.

Mina walked towards the unfamiliar person and cling on it's arms.

"Chaeyoungie, I'm getting married"
Mina stated with her gummy smile

Chaeyoung went blank for a minute, her heart was wavering. Sana knew that look.

Chaeyoung smiled half heatedly and wished them luck, she left after that. She asked some of her friends to come with her to drink.

Sana went to the playground with two strawberry shake in her hands. This is the place where Chaeyoung always run to whenever she's depressed. She waited for the latter, she didn't even take a sip on her drinks. But it was already dark, Chaeyoung didn't came.

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