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Tzuyu's POV

1 week ago...

I abruptly closed my eyes after opening it so suddenly. I just woke up and I felt weird. I opened my eyes once more, slowly this time to adjust from the blinding light in the ceiling.

'Am I in a hospital?'

I thought, but why would I be here? I remember I was on the way to the restaurant where Nayeon unnie and I promised to meet me. That's all I can remember.

Anyway, Nayeon unnie is my first love whom I met when I was 16 and she was 21 that time. She's just so cute and bubbly but still a reliable adult. We're not that close maybe because our age gap is a little big and I sometimes act cold but mostly I am childish; and she was so far out of my reach. As years pass, I tried my best to approach her and befriend her but the outcome is either I chicken out or I fail miserably because she would misunderstood my intention and treat me like a baby, like a younger sister. Now that I am already 20 and she's 26, I asked her millions of times for a date and I guess yesterday was my only lucky day because she finally agreed. I was about to meet her at the restaurant but now I'm here in a hospital.


'I wonder if she waited for me or called me to ask where I am'

I tried looking for my phone at the side table by moving my head only because I am feeling lazy to stand. When my phone was nowhere to be found on the table, that's when I sat up and thought, 'maybe the nurse put it under my pillow' so I turned slightly to the side but what I saw shocked me. I saw someone laying there ,unconscious, and it exactly looked like me. I tried reaching for it's face but my hand just passed through.

"No, this can't be" I shouted as I tried to convince myself that this situation isn't reality. I tried not to believe that my soul was separated from body.

"Am I dead?" I asked no one in particular so I did not receive any response at all, obviously. I looked to the monitors and whatnots that are connected to my unconscious body and the presence of a machine which displays my heartbeat caught my attention. The line wasn't flat so I felt relieved somehow that I am still alive, that my heart is still beating. That's when I realized that I was probably in a comatose.

Present time...

So it's been a week since I (I mean my soul) woke up in this hospital. No one visited me at all even my parents. What do I expect, they disowned me when I come out to them. Nayeon unnie did not come either. Though no one visited my unconscious body, I'm still thankful that the nurses and doctors took care of me from time to time. They found my phone under the pillow and I was delighted when I saw that but I couldn't hold it. When the doctor asked one of the nurses to check my contacts so they could tell someone what has happened to me, I peeked at my phone. The nurse was able to open my phone since there was no password or pattern to it. She looked at my contacts and I felt embarrassed. I only have my parent's phone numbers, that's the only content of my contact list. I gave my number to Nayeon unnie but she didn't gave hers to me so...yeah.

The nurse called my mom first and I heard it ring for about 10 seconds but then the line was cut. She tried once more but it was only the operator who responded saying that the person we are contacting is already busy. She tried calling my dad but it also failed, it did not even ring.

"I feel so sad for this young lady, she's been in a comatose for almost a week but we cannot even reach her guardian nor anyone close to her" the doctor commented

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