MAID AND A MOM (ending)

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5 Years had passed and everything's fine, just as what Sana expected. Everything is fine in the mansion, Sana is still a maid for her son, but the little one does not know it. Sana and the Chou's agreed not to mention Jeonghoon's mom because they cannot reveal it. Why is that?

"No! I don't want to go to school. The kids are always sticking to me, I hate it!!" the five-year old Jeonghoon whined. It is very amusing to see him throw tantrums and be moody a lot of times, it's like he inherit that trait from Tzuyu even though he's not his real father.

"Jeonghoon-ah, what does Sana noona always tell you?"  Sana asked as she bent down, hands to her knees to match their height

Celeste, Mr. Santiago's wife was being a b**** and threatened Sana not to tell Jeonghoon her real identity or else she will not be able to see her son again. The elder woman reasoned that the child was already in their custody, under their family name so there is no need for Sana to interfere. Celeste was threatened that Sana had an ulterior motive, that she was trying to seduce Tzuyu and be a Chou as well. Sana denied all of this accusations because she have not even taught about being a Chou, she just wanted to see her son as he grow older. Therefore, Jeonghoon can only call her noona

Jeonghoon pouts at Sana, trying to convince her not to go to his pre-school class. His mother was not fazed by it though it warms her heart, she looks at him lovingly and wait for his verbal response

"Sana noona said Jeonghoon should not be angry with the other kids because they only want to be Jeonghoon's friend" Jeonghoon mumbled with a frown as if he was forced to do it. He always speak in third person's view whenever he's embarrassed or shy

"Right, so what do you want Sana noona to do?" Sana waited for his usual response of 'let's get it noona! Let's go!'

"C-can you ruffle my hair?" He asked out of the blue

"What? Why?" She looked at him curiously as he kept on avoiding her gaze, while hands were fidgetty

"I saw one of my friend's mom did it to him, I want to feel it too because it looks like it can make you happy. I asked dad to do it to me but he said I'm not a dog so he won't do it. BUT MY FRIEND IS NOT A DOG TOO, BUT STILL HIS MOM DID IT, W-WHY CAN'T HE DO T—"

Little Jeonghoon froze for a while when Sana ruffled his hair smoothly, his eyes twinkled in joy as he displayed his perfect set of cute teeth.

"So, how does it feel?" Sana asked while her ruffling-of-hair turned into caressing.

"Can Jeonghoon ask one more favor?" He said bashfully

"Alright, as long as you will be going to school after this?"

"Yes! Yes! Definitely!" He jumped in joy


"Can you ruffle my hair every morning? And give me a cheek kiss, noona?"

"Hmm" Sana hummed her thoughts just to tease the kid. Jeonghoon anticipated her answer with hopeful eyes

"Fine" Sana grinned and kissed his forehead and left cheek

"Now go!"

"Thank you noona!! I'm so happy!!" He shouted and hopped on his way to the car.

Sana went back towards Jeonghoon's room to clean up the mess he made while he took his breakfast. She picked up the empty glass and walked towards the kitchen.

She was about to enter when he heard whispering voices, like what the two were talking about should be kept in secret.

The voice seemed to be coming from Mr. Santiago who sounds angry, while the one he's speaking to isn't responding yet. He does not want to eves drop but curiousity made her do it

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