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"yah!! Momo unnie just wait for me, I'll be there in 5 minutes okay?!"

The woman hanged up and immediately run towards her vehicle.

Please be fine, please be fine

She keeps on mumbling words in panic while trying her best not to engage in any accident. She was just having a happy conversation with her colleague, Chaeyoung, earlier when her best friend called crying like there's no tommorow, she asked what happened but the person from the other line kept on crying out loud which made her 100% worried.

The ride towards her home seemed longer than usual, and oh if you're going to ask, her best friend lives with her.

The traffic light showed red.


She accidentally pushed that beep button out of frustration

"Aish why now?!"

After about 2 minutes, she goes on and drove ahead.

She parked her car in front of her house and run inside.

She searched the living room, the kitchen, comfort rooms, and finally, Momo's room.

She saw her on her bed hiding under her thick blankets.Sniffs were heard maybe because she's still crying.


"You're l-late by 2 minutes and 26 seconds" Momo cut her off


"I'm s-sorry unni-" She was cut off again when Momo cried so suddenly.

"Unnie what's wrong?" She took steps towards the crying latter wanting to see her face

"No Dahyunie, d-don't come n-near me"

She stopped and showed a confused expression

"Dahyunie, I'm sick. I'm afraid you'll get cough and cold too so don't come near me"
The latter continued

"Oh, did you take a medicine already?"
She asked as she continued her steps and finally sat 12 inches away in front of Momo.

The latter felt her bed lowered a little bit and sensed that Dahyun was seated in front of her right now, she can also feel her gaze piercing through the thick blanket she's using.

"Then why are you crying? You'll be fine sooner don't worry too much okay?"

Momo didn't answer so Dahyun spoke again

" I'll just prepare a soup for you so you can rest after"
She stood up and made her way into the kitchen

She sigh out her frustration. Why was she frustrated? Because she taught something bad happened to Momo like she has gotten into an accident or something like that, but she's glad now that none of that happened to her best friend.

After finishing the soup, she went back inside the sick latter's room.

"Remove your blanket now unnie, you should eat then rest after"

Momo didn't budge so Dahyun slowly removed the blanket herself.

Momo looked at her.Eyes puffy, lips pale, her cheeks filled with tears stain, and her hair disheveled.

Dahyun chuckled

"You look gross"

Momo cried out loud again and this made the younger guilty.

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