part 4

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doctor carter, who was observing the situation from afar noticed how scared the little girl of the group seemed.

"hey, you don't have to be scared sweetheart." she tried, crouching down at the little girl's height.

"will it hurt?" sophia asked doctor carter.

"only for a second. how about we count together and by the time we get to ten it will be over." carter suggested and sophia nodded, closing her eyes as the two began to count.

doctor carter nodded to jenner at 6 and he took sophia's blood successfully.

"see that wasn't so bad." carter smiled brightly at the young girl who seemed relieved.

"thankyou." carol, sophia's mother smiled gratefully at the young doctor who simply nodded back.


laughing sounded from around the table as the group ate and drank. random conversation could be heard but none from carter or jenner.

doctor carter payed no attention, that is until rick, the sheriff, spoke up with something important.

"it seems to me we haven't thanked our hosts properly."

"they are more than just hosts." another man, t-dog, added.

"here!" people called in agreement.

"booya!" many drunk people called out aswell.

"thankyou both." rick sincerely stated.

"so when are you gonna tell us what the hell happened here doc?" shane intercepted. "All the other doctors that was supposed to be figuring out what happened, where are they?"

"we're celebrating shane." rick tried. "no need to do this now."

" whoa, wait a second that's why were here right? this was your move, we were supposed to find all the answers but instead we-we found them." shane practically mocked, as if it was jenner and carter's fault that they were the only ones left. "found one man and a girl why?" he finished.

"well when things got bad a lot of people just left, went off to be with their families. and when things got worse, when the military corden got overrun the rest bolted." jenner explained.

"every last one?"

"no, many couldn't face walking out the doors they opted out, there was a rash of suicides." doctor carter finished off so jenner didn't have too, knowing that it would brake him.

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