cherokee rose part 1

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it was early morning the next day, hershel's family along with rick's group were setting up otis's funeral. there was an obvious solemn atmosphere, however that is to be expected.

as marcella noticed the campervan and car approaching camp, she tapped glenn on the shoulder.

nobody spoke; it didn't feel right too.

as the campervan, along with daryl's bike, met their group at the front of the greene's house, lori, rick and t-dog walked out the front door.

"how is he?" dale questioned the parents of the sick boy, scared for the answer.

"he'll pull through." lori told the few that had just arrived at the farm, a relieved smile present as she nodded.

"how'd it happen?"

"hunting accident. that's all. just a stupid accident." rick replied.


as the family and rick's group stood around the pile of rocks that had been built into a monument in otis's honour, the solemn atmosphere seemed to grow strong, a heavy feeling weighing down on everyone's shoulders.

beth -hershel's youngest daughter- placed her rock onto the pile, just as everyone else had before her.

"blessed be god, father of our lord jesus christ." hershel began to read from his bible, as jimmy walked up to place his rock into the growing pile, taking his hat off in the proses. "praise be to him for the gift of our brother otis. for his span of years. for his abundance of character. otis, who gave his life to save a child's. now more than ever, our most precious asset. we thank you god for the peace he enjoys in your embrace. he died as he lived- in grace. shane, will you speak for otis?" hershel finished, then turning to shane who although physically was with the group, mentally was elsewhere.

"i'm not good at it." shane stated simply, looking down as to avoid eye contact. "i'm sorry." as marcella looked over to the male, she thought he looked suspicious, as if he was guilty. the young woman put it down to shane being effected by watching otis die, but something inside of marcella, screamed at her that it was something more.

i hope you're enjoying this story so far and trust me there is a lot more to come. i have already written around 100 chapters, however will be releasing them gradually, as i continue writing more.

please interact if you are enjoying this so far and lmk anything you'd like me to add :)


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