part 11

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marcella jogged over to lori who was starting the engine of a small car. as the younger lady approached, lori's face dropped, her skin growing pale as the realisation that she had been caught hit.

"lori!" marcella shouted through a whisper. "you're not doing what i think you're doing, right?"

lori let out a sigh of frustration. "i've waited all day, i'm just going to go and-" the overprotective mother was cut off by the green eyed girl.

"i'm coming with you." marcella stated, stubbornly.

"no." lori shook her head as she face palmed. "you're needed here. beth needs you and maggie need-" once again, lori was cut off by marcella.

"you're pregnant- you need me and besides, i can't keep beth stable much longer, she needs hershel." marcella argued, her points making lori consider taking her.

"are you sure this isn't about glenn?" lori accused with furrowed eyebrows.

marcella scoffed. "no, this isn't about glenn. this is about what's good for the group."

"if this isn't about glenn, then why don't you just stop me from going?" lori questioned.

"because, i know that there's no way of stopping you from going after rick, so my best option is to go with you to make sure that you are safe and that way, we can help glenn, rick and hershel if they're in trouble. marcella stated, trying not to raise her voice as to avoid gaining unwanted attention.

"fine, get in." lori simply said, her point blunt as she was a stubborn person who didn't give in to others easily. but something that lori had just learned is that marcella is much more stubborn.

the drive began quiet- silent, in fact. lori and marcella didn't bother speaking as lori drove and marcella watched the scenery as they passed by. only when the journey had reached around half way and a certain road block got in the way, did lori and marcella begin speaking again.

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