part 8

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a moment later church bells began to ring out, causing the group to run towards the sound.

"what direction?"

"i think that way, i'm pretty sure." rick led the group in the direction of the ringing.

"dang it's hard to tell out here."

"if we hear them then maybe sophia does too." carol suggests, grasping on to the little hope that sophia is still alive.

the group then started coming up with scenarios before running towards the church.

"come on." rick began to jog, the group following him.


"that can't be it, got no staple, no bells. rick." shane speaks up as the group finally reaches the church.

they than ran up to the church doors, rick silently giving instructions to the others.

as they opened the double doors, they see a few walkers sat in the church pews. marcella decided that this is the perfect time to try out her new machete.

picking a bony, female walker, marcella gets into position, taking a moment before swinging the machete up and driving the blade down into the dead woman's skull. the walker immediately drops to the floor and marcella pulls out the blade with minimal struggle.

"your prettty good with that already." glenn smiles as he stands next to the girl.

"thanks glenn." she grins up to him for a moment, proud of her achievement.

"sophia!" daryl practically cried out, seemingly caring about the girl's safety. "yo jc, you takin requests?" he mutters up to the cross that inhabits jesus.

"i'm telling you it's the wrong church. it's got no streeple rick, there's no steeple." shane tells rick, his voice croaking slightly as he speaks.

the church bells ring again and the group follow the now very loud sound the the source.

"a timer. it's on a time." daryl pants as glenn turns off the machine.

"i'm going to go back in for a bit." carol informs before taking herself inside.

marcella takes herself away from the group too, deciding to look around the graveyard and read the gravestones.

after a minute glenn approaches her.

"what are you doing?" he questions.

"roberta warren, she died fighting, national guard 2008." marcella tells him with a frown, wanting to share the woman's story.

"beloved wife of antoine warren." glenn finished off. "i don't get it." he stated honestly.

"we need to remember the dead because they're what make us alive."

under the willow tree - glenn rhee Where stories live. Discover now