part 3

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later that day, marcella sat sharpening her pocket knife with a rock, something that daryl had taught her a few days prior. the peaceful silence that the young woman was enjoying, was soon cut short as dale approached.

marcella offered the man a warm smile as he took a seat beside her. "you alright, dale?" she questioned as she read the sad expression on his face.

"this world... it's really starting to change people." the older man began to speak, looking down as he did so.

marcella put her knife and rock down beside her, turning to dale in confusion. "what do you mean?... is this about randall." she realised.

dale nodded briefly, still not turning towards the young woman. "they all want him dead. there's no doubt about it. and nothing that i can do." he stated.

the lightly freckled woman took a moment to think before responding, not wanting to upset dale any further. "everyone is just scared, dale. i mean, how can a group of random people be expected to comprehend such a situation... i know that i sure can't." she finished, feeling guilty for not being able to stick by the older man's side.

"so you'd just let rick kill him?" dale finally turned to marcella, shock and betrayal on his face.

"i don't know what's right or wrong anymore, dale. but what i do know is that i trust rick and daryl and glenn with my life and if they think it's for the best to- to... whatever they decide, i'll trust that it's the right decision and stick by them. because i know why they will do whatever it is they decide to do: for the good of our group." marcella's words made sense to dale, although they weren't what he wanted to hear.

"i understand where you're coming from and i respect it." dale stated after a long pause, before getting up from his seat and leaving.

under the willow tree - glenn rhee Where stories live. Discover now