part 8

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"can we talk, before you go." marcella asked glenn as the others began to depart from the room. the taller male nodded before they began to walk out.

"hey, marcella." rick began, causing the two young adults to stop in their tracks. "i'll bring him back safely." he reassured the girl, knowing that marcella trusted him.


soon glenn and marcella arrived at what had become their favourite spot; the willow tree.

"so, what's up?" glenn began, placing his arm around marcella as the two sat together.

"nothing, i just wanted to be with you before you go." the slightly younger of the two stated simply.

glenn turned his head to face his girlfriend, placing his hand on her cheek as he often did. "everything will be okay, el." he reassured marcella, knowing that that was what she needed to hear.

"how do you know?" marcella questioned glenn with a saddened look in her rural eyes.

"because i have you." glenn's words caused a small smile to grow on marcella's face. without another word, the pale girl placed her lips onto the asian boy's own lips, the two's kiss lasted only a few seconds, but it meant the world to both of them because they knew that there was a chance it would be their last.


glenn held marcella in his arms, the two sharing one last hug as maggie stood near by. soon glenn pulled away, only because he knew that he had too. but as he did so he spoke up to maggie.

"we'll bring your dad back, maggie. i promise." glenn stated meaningfully, as the two girls moved towards eachother.

the young asian boy then turned towards rick who was at the car, only stopping when he reached the vehicle, turning back to his girlfriend to see her huddled with maggie. glenn smiled to marcella, a small smile of reassurance that caused the girl to release a breath.

she knew he'd be okay, he had to be.

under the willow tree - glenn rhee Where stories live. Discover now