part 11

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"so this is it? this is the whole plan?" carol took a seat on a log as everyone stopped.

"i guess the plan is to whittle us down into smaller and smaller groups." daryl stated.

"carrying knifes and pointy sticks." andrea spoke up, an annoyed tone present in her voice.

"hey." glenn steps closer to marcella as he speaks quietly to her.


"sorry for just walking off earlier." the korean boy apologises.

"yeah that was kind of a dick move." marcella states, not being able to stop herself from cracking a small smile.

"your not mad?" glenn asks hopefully.

"i'm not mad you idiot... and i'm sorry i was a bit of a bitch earlier too." marcella pushed glenn slightly, just happy to have her bestfriend by her side.

the two then began to pay attention to the group again, realising that a small argument had just taken place.

"-but you have got to stop blaming rick. it is in your face every time you look at him. and when sophia ran he didn't hesitate, did he? not for a second." lori finished off, causing the two young adults to look at eachother with facial expressions that state 'what did we miss?'

lori continued her point towards carol, everyone else staying quiet.

"you all look to him and then blame him when he's not perfect." lori stated towards the whole group, shaking her head as she did so. "you think you can do this without him, go right ahead. nobody is stopping you."

andrea then hands back lori's gun as the two had argued about it a few minutes ago.

"we should keep moving." after andrea's words, the group does so, walking silently through the woods. well silent except for glenn amd marcella's quiet talking.

"what's your favourite colour?" glenn continued their little game of asking what eachother's favourite things are.

"purple, yours?" marcella responds with a light smile as the two walk next to eachother.

"red." he states back simply.

"tha-" marcella is then cut off by a singular gun shot ringing out.

"that could be rick or shane. we have to-" a panicked lori spoke, although being cut off by a level headed daryl.

"no, they'll be fine, we have to keep going."

under the willow tree - glenn rhee Where stories live. Discover now