Chapter One.

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The loud music made everyone rejoice. Many of the guests were having a marvelous time. They laughed, danced, and toasted the recently wedded couple. On the corner of the large tent, sat a man with platinum shoulder length hair, and a very expensive elegant suit taking small sips from his champagne as he listened to the boring, dreading conversation.

Where are you! He internally shouted, scanning the dance floor with his silver - grey eyes. It wasn't until he caught a glimpse of a young auror with a beard that had gotten a little out of hand, messy raven hair and round broken glasses, that the blond's spirit lifted.

Xenophelius laughed at his own joke, and Draco laughed along with him. "That was clever," Draco lied, chugging down the very last bit of champagne. "If you don't mind, I have" He muttered the last word under his breath and quickly exited out of the group of wizards.

"Hey!" Harry eagerly announced when he saw his husband walking his way. Today was the first time he'd seen Draco for almost a month, but when he saw the murderous glare forming in his eyes he wished he could just disappear. "You're late," Draco sneered, pulling out his wand to aim it at Harry's glasses. "And not to mention a complete and utter mess."

Oh, boy.

"And what the hell are you wearing?" Draco patted down Harry's navy suit and tucked in his button up shirt.


Draco gave Harry a dead look. "Oculus Reparo," he chanted the mending charm to fix Harry's glasses, then tucked away his wand. "Well your clothes are wrinkled."

Harry tilted his head. "I was caught up in the ministry, I didn't have time for grooming," he tried to explain. "But apparently, you did."

Draco rolled his eyes. "Not the time, darling."

Harry agreed. Draco scolded him some more before pulling him close and planting a light kiss on his forehead. "Don't leave alone again," Draco warned, sparking a little snort from Harry.

"You'll have to survive without me some more," Harry replied. He slipped from Draco's grasp and headed to the center of the dance floor to congratulate Luna and hand her his gift. Draco groaned in frustration, and walked towards the buffet to steal some food.

Blaise walked towards Draco, stealing his plate. "," he said, taking a huge bite from a piece of sandwich. Draco fought the urge to punch his friend in the face. "No problem," he grunted.

Blaise took another bite from his sandwich, gazing at the beautiful redhead wearing a light pink low cut dress. "She's beautiful, isn't she?"

"Weaslette?" Draco asked, turning his attention to the dancing bridesmaid. "Yeah," Blaise replied, starstruck. Draco nervously laughed, and just as Blaise was getting ready to take another bite from his sandwich, Draco snatched it from his grasp. Blaise turned to the blond with a flustered look. Draco ignored it, and answered his old friend's question. "Yeah, she's pretty."


Draco's body immediately froze with the soft lovely voice ringing in his ears. "Nothing," he quickly said. When his face lost all of its color, Blaise sparked into a full on guffaw. "Zip it, Zabini," Draco bit before turning around to look at his husband. "Erm--no one as beautiful as you, baby." Draco shyly smiled, and placed his arm around Harry's shoulders.

"Except Ginny as you heard." Draco threw Blaise a warning look. "Should I be worried...?" Harry questioned with a hint of confusion in his voice.  "Yeah, Dray, should he?" Blaise mocked, looking at his friend with a small grin. 

Draco scoffed. His luck seemed to get better and better. "No," he answered to Harry. "Can we just...want to get out of here?" He asked the question in a soft whisper.

"But I just got here."

"I've been here for hours..." Draco pouted. "I don't think I can last here any longer." Draco tried his best to seem hopeless, giving his husband sad puppy dog eyes. Harry gave him a knowing look, but regardless, took Blaise's attention. "Tell Neville I came by and that I'm happy for him and Luna."

"You got it, mate."

Before disapparating, Blaise made sure to make the situation awkward for the recently married couple. "Bye, honey!" He shouted to Draco as they twisted in mid air. Once the two men vanished into nothing, Blaise smiled to himself before looking back at the girl he'd never thought he'd ever fancy. 

Ginny noticed a dark pair of eyes studying her every movement. She turned around to see who it was, only to smile when she saw the famous designer undressing her with his eyes.


The couple apparated on the edge of a cliff. The place was fairly deserted, and not to mention dark. If it wasn't for the faint light of the twinkling stars, Harry wasn't sure if he would be able to see the edge of the cliff. However, though very dark, Harry knew they were near a beach, just by the loud sound of the splashing waves against rock.

"I thought we were going home," Harry commented with a wry laugh. He looked up to the slightly taller male. "Please don't tell me you brought me here to kill me."

Draco couldn't help the smile forming on his lips. Taking off his coat, Draco walked to the very edge of the cliff. "I didn't bring you here to murder you." He looked over his shoulder to see Harry's facial expressions. "Even though you make it tempting at times."

Harry's eyes quickly widened. He rapidly blinked, then walked towards his husband. "Killing me would be a huge mistake," he said. From behind, he slid his hands down Draco's front pockets and rested his chin on his shoulder. "Really?" Draco remarked.

"Yes, think about it. Without me, you wouldn't have anyone else to have these lovely conversations with."

Draco forced himself to chuckle at Harry's response. He didn't know it, but his comment had stung Draco a little. It is exceptionally lonely being Draco Malfoy. Even though he's married to the chosen one, has a cockish best friend, and helped save the wizarding world, he is still frowned upon by wizards when they see him, or hear his name for that matter.

His family played a huge role bringing the dark lord back, and he played an even bigger role. Even if he switched sides at the last minute, he still deserves the blame. After all, the only reason he did switch sides, was because Harry was there.

"Love, are you okay?"

Draco turned around, giving his husband a tight hug. "Yeah, I just...I missed you, that's all."

"I was only gone for a couple of weeks," Harry chuckled, oblivious to Draco's current problems. 

"I know..." 

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