Chapter Twenty - One

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When the two heard the door opening, Harry quickly rolled Draco over in order to sit on top of him, and grab the wand that was across the front desk.

"Colloportus!" He quickly shouted, aiming the wand at the door for it to quickly close before whomever that had opened it in the first place walked in.

Before he knew it, Ron was knocked off his feet, with the door slamming shut. Pansy, who had her back against the wall, couldn't help but laugh, remembering the times she'd made fun of him.

She offered her hand, yet Ron swatted it away since he didn't really get along with the woman. "I told you not to not go in," she giggled.

"You should've told me what they were doing," Ron grumbled, standing back up.

He heard the door open, with Harry tucking in his shirt, trying his best to put his glasses back on. "What is it?" he asked, barely opening the door. "Some aurors are trying to barge into the interrogation rooms. They want to mess with our department's witnesses just to get the credit," Pansy informed. "Get your department under control." Her eyes travelled down Harry's raged appearance. "But it seems to me I should have asked Draco, he seems to have you well under control."

Harry's cheeks burned. They began turning red as a tomato. "I-Is that all?" he asked, feeling Draco's hands sliding down his torso.

"No, it isn't," Ron cut in. "May I come in? Harry, you might be the head auror, but you're still my partner, and I need to know what spell were used in order to haven't given me my forensics!"

"I'll..." Harry felt Draco make his way in between his thighs, beginning to stroke him. He gripped onto the frame of the door in hopes of suppressing the toll Draco's touch had on him. "Let me just..." Harry's grip tightened, legs began to grow weak. He forced out a cough in hopes of suppressing another noise from escaping his lips. "You're right...I'll--I...fuck!"

Harry slammed the door on Ron's face.

Draco pinned Harry against the wall and began attacking him with kisses. Letting him make his way down his V-line, Harry pulled out his own wand, locked the door, and set a silencing charm on the office, in hopes no one would interrupt them this time.

Harry rocked his head back as he moaned in utter pleasure. His fingers began tangling with Draco's smooth hair, occasionally pulling on it when Draco picked up his speed.

When the blond stood back up, Harry jumped into his arms, wrapping his legs around his torso as he passionately kissed him.

"Draco... I have to get back to work," Harry whispered, making Draco groan. He pressed Harry's back against the door, and as he pulled away, placed his hands under Harry's things in order to keep him up. 

"You just had to ruin the moment, didn't you, Potter?"

"The moment was ruined when Ron tried to walk in," Harry grumbled. His facial expression later shifted to a pleading look accompanied by a scheming smile. "Can you make some dinner?"


"Berry trifle."

"Baby, that's not food but a sweet."

"Fine, I want Tetrazzini," Harry replied with a small pout. "And then some berry trifle."

Draco rolled his eyes. "Fine," he mumbled, planting a quick kiss on his husband's lips. "Is that all?"

"And wine."

Smiling, Draco said, "baby, you don't want dinner, you want a date." 

"Is that something bad?"

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