Chapter Seven.

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Draco busted into a full on guffaw. "I'm sorry to disappoint you, darling, but the deathly hollows are gone. They were destroyed during the war."

Zoe clicked her tongue, she slowly made her way closer to Draco. "So if I dug into that mind of yours..." She placed her hand under the man's jaw. "I won't find what I want?" The sudden touch sent shivers down Draco's spine, and strangely enough, he didn't move nor tried to do anything to push her off. 

"You won't find a damn thing," he said with a clenched yaw. 

"Well see about that," Zoe whispered. She moved to her tip-toes, trying to get to the same height as Draco. Her lips brushed his, and later parted for her to kiss him. He didn't kiss her back, but didn't protest about it either.  

With every kiss, Zoe managed to see Draco's most treasured memories. She saw the first time he admitted fancying Potter; the first time he came face to face with Voldemort; the first time he broke down in tears; the time he ran away with Potter to help him end the war; the first time he saw her; and the first time he even heard and saw the deathly hollows. 

Having found what she needed, and knowing he wasn't going to protest, Zoe dug deeper into his memories. She saw the first time he'd seen Potter; felt the anger he had when the boy rejected his friendship; felt the love his parents gave him as a child; the fear of knowing the dark lord lived in his home; the guilt of having to lie to Potter, then the love once again when the war was over. She could feel his joy, amusement, and happiness. She saw him proposing, dancing at his wedding, and later, strangely enough, visiting a doctor with Potter. 

Draco immediately pushed Zoe off him. She bit her lower lip and threw him a huge knowing grin. "You have kids," she sang. "How long, five--no...she's two months isn't she. Now how come you've kept it a secret." 

Draco kept quite, for he knew that if he said anything, it would only make things worse. 

"What's wrong, Malfoy? Scared a big bad wolf will snatch them?" 

"Sacred, Potter?" He later scoffed. "Please. You're not even real." 

"Just because I'm up here--"  Zoe briefly tapped her temple. "Does not mean any of this isn't real."  Draco pictured stabbing knifes on the woman. She shrugged it off, and walked close to him once again. "Now...we both know you have knowledge of the deathly hollows...After all, you're the master of the elder wand." She brushed her finger on the side of Draco's jaw, and this time he swatted her hand away. "Now I really don't want to do this, but if you don't tell me where you hid it, I'll find your kids--" Draco's silver eyes clouded over. "--And I will not kill them, but rather take them, and raise them to despise you and Potter, so where's the damn wand!?"

Draco didn't faze at the sudden aggression. Instead, the corner of his lips slightly curled. "On a deadline, aren't we?" he asked with a little smirk, then leaned down to study her better. "Who do you answer to?" 

"That's none of your business."

"Then my lips are sealed, sweetheart. I won't tell you a bloody thing."

By this time, Zoe went on a blinding rage. She pushed Draco. "Where's the elder wand!" She flicked her wrist, performing a wandless spell, and snapping Draco's neck. 

He fell to the ground and faded away, only to come back a few moments later. "Did you just kill me? You bitch." He drew out his wand, only for it to fade away. "You can't use wands here, darling," Zoe sneered. She did the same hand movement as before, only to break Draco's arm, and made her way towards him. 

"Where's my wand!?" 

"I don't know!"


Zoe broke Draco's ankle. She tried to dig into his mind, but was quickly blocked out, enraging her even more. She broke his ribs, making him cry out in pain. She grabbed his hair and pulled in in order to make him look up to her. Zoe whispered in his ear, "for every lie you tell, I will kill everyone you love. I will force you to watch everyone's demise, starting with Harry Potter."

Draco chuckled. "I will be long dead before that happens, darling." He lifted his brows and flashed the woman a wide smile. "A dead man walking has nothing to loose."

Zoe let go of the man; she had not thought about that part, only in finding a fast and easy way to get into the man's head without being interrupted. "Well, Malfoy, a dead man walking has time to live his last hours with nothing more than grief." 

Draco's smile vanished, reappearing this time on Zoe. "You're powerless here. I can kill you with ease, but I haven't yet, for you're the only one who knows where my wand is, but you won't tell me....I thought threatening your life would be good enough persuasion to make you spill your guts out...but I guess I was wrong. I guess I'll have to step up my game."

Zoe let go of Draco, his bones immediately healing when she did so. "What the hell did you mean by that?" He demanded. He made his way to Zoe when she began disapparating in hopes of stopping her, but was too late. 


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