Chapter Thirty - Three

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When someone wakes up, there is a fifty - fifty chance that one will wake up with a nagging feeling that won't go away, as if something bad will happen, but we're not really sure.

It was already quite late, and seeing since Zabini was with Teddy as they both bothered Scorpius and Sirius, Harry decided to take a nap on his chair. But his sleep came with nightmares. He saw Zoe guiding an army of people that'd wish to see him dead. There was something wrong, but he could manage past the image, at least until Draco stepped into frame, jumping from a building as he dragged Zoe with him.

Harry snapped his eyes open. Unlike one would imagine, he didn't shoot up from his seat, but rather laid there. His fingers gripped the side of his chair, feeling as if he'd lost all touch of reality. He thought that if he were to move, his nightmare would become real - what if it was?

"Z-Zabini." He barely managed to say the name, and it seemed like he might've said it too quietly, so he cleared his throat. "Blaise," he croaked, earning the man's attention. "Where's Draco?"

"Ministry, dunno," Blaise shrugged, far too caught up in his own world to actually pay any real attention. Harry sighed, brushing past Blaise. Teddy had passed out on a rather uncomfortable chair beside Lily, telling her snippets of Harry and Draco's story as he fell asleep. Harry ruffled his hair, and planted a light kiss on the boy's forehead before turning back to Blaise. "Zabini-?"

By this time, Sirius had woken up, and Blaise was playing with the toy wand that gave off little lights to entertain the newborn. "Sup, sugarcup-" he finally broke free from his gaze to look at Harry.

"I'm going home to freshen up, can you-"

"Babysit these blobs of cuteness?" Blaise took no time finishing Harry's... inexact question. His face lit up even more. "Oh, yeah!" He exclaimed, a little too loud for Scorpius and Sirius' comfort.

Even though Harry didn't trust Blaise unsupervised in a hospital, surrounded by babies, with no knowledge of the reactions muggles might have if they found Blaise performing magic to entertain a couple of kids that couldn't even open their eyes, Harry had to go back to the manor. Not only to take an overdue shower, but also to make sure that terrible dream wasn't real. Plus, Draco should be back by now.

Harry stepped out of the room, wandering the corridors until he found a perfect spot on the corner of a hall to disapparate. Usually, when he apparated straight home, he always landed just outside the mansion, staring dumbfoundedly at the front entrance. But this time was different; his magical print was either don't recognized, or the manor was locked down since he was quickly bounced just outside the gates.

The wards glowed as Harry tried to apparate back in. Knowing that if he tried one last time, he would probably get tossed half a kilometer, so he went around the property, to the beach where there was a tear in the wards that allowed him to crawl inside the property. There, he ran through the garden until he reached the front entrance of the manor.

Once there, he lightly pushed on the door. It creeped open with barely a tug. Harry immediately pulled out his wand.

"Love-" Harry looked around the house. "Draco...?" There was some loud thumping from the dining room. "Draco!" He shouted as he raced down the hallway, to find something he rather not expect.

On the floor, laid Theodore. He was struggling dodging Draco's curses as they came, one by one without stop. And though Harry wanted Nott to just fade away, his hero complexion would never allow him to do that, so he aimed his wand at his husband.


Draco's head jerked back to that of the spell, and with a swift move from his wand, forced Harry's charm to bounce back. When Harry's wand landed on Draco's hand, his look softened. "Harry?" He managed to whisper. "What are you doing here...?"

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