Chapter Nine

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The sun made sure to turn the sky with all sorts of different colors. The puffy clouds seemed to be made out of cotton candy, and the sky nothing more than a beautiful canvas. The freshly new morning managed to hide the terrible day Harry had just the day before.

He'd done as told and gotten some sleep, but it seemed like every time he closed his eyes all he saw was Draco and each time he was on the brink of death. It seemed like some sort of terribly written joke, having to participate at a war as a kid; loose every person he's ever viewed as a parental figure; yet manage to get past that, marry someone that doesn't make him a better person, but makes his life worth living; get the job of his dreams; and plan for a future, only for it all to crumble down in seconds.

As Harry looked out the window captivating the breathtaking sunrise, he could feel just a small bit of him die off.

He knew Hermione was downstairs waiting for him to come down fully recharged and with a foolish plan that will somehow work in the end, but he didn't have a plan. He was tired and shattered in pieces.

He was scared.

The last time he'd done something like this many he held dear died; he didn't think he could keep it together if he let history repeat itself all over again.

He might be a Gryffindor, but at the time he felt like nothing more than a coward.

Harry let go of the ring which hung from his neck. He had held it since he woke up, remembering the time Draco had given him the small promise ring; It held much more meaning than any other ring Draco had ever given him.

There was a light knock on the door which brought Harry back to his grim reality. He picked up his coat, put it on, and went to the door. On the other side Hermione stood in a different pair of clothes. She was wearing a grey pantsuit, three inch heels and light mascara that would be almost unnoticeable. A soft chuckled escaped Harry's lips, of course she'd gone back home to change. It seemed like the world was moving on and he was staying behind.

Harry slowly stepped out to the hall. A look of pity washed over Hermione, making Harry hate himself even more. He hated having to be pitied on, it made him miss Draco even more. He was the only one that looked at him for him, and nothing else. When many would pity him, Draco would playfully slap him in the back of the head to knock some sense into him, or plant little kisses and tell him it would be alright. 

Harry pushed the thought of Draco away. He couldn't afford another breakdown. He needed to snap out of it, and luckily for him, Hermione did by asking him, "Harry, have you eaten?" 

He shook his head in response. 

"Do you want something before heading in?" 


"Are you sure?"

"I'm sure, 'Mione." 

Hermione kept quiet, recognizing that tone of voice. The two walked into the floo fireplace, announced their destination, and used the floo powder to travel to the ministry. 

Harry stepped into the Atrium, and looked around the place as if it was his first time visiting the underground hall. 


Harry turned back around to face Hermione. He arched a brow, asking her to say what she needed to say. "Are you sure you're alright?" she asked in a worrisome tone.

"Brilliant," he answered with a false smile, and before the girl could catch up with him, he began moving, blending in with the crowd. 

Ron, who was buying his cup of coffee from a small stand parallel to the golden visitors gate, left the stand when he saw Harry to have a chat with him. "Aren't you taking the day off?" He asked, making Harry spin around. He threw him a killing glare, making him seek refuge behind his wife. "I was just...asking."

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