Chapter Eighteen

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When the two men walked out of the floo fireplace, Harry had his hair completely out of place. He'd thrown on the first pair of clothing he'd found since Draco had called him back to the kitchen to assist, but really, he just wanted his wand to get cleaned. This delayed him thirty more minutes.

Draco on the other hand, looked like he had all the time in the world to groom. As they walked through the Atrium, he squeezed Harry's ass, making him jump. "Malfoy!" He snapped, swatting Draco's hand away.

"Yes, darling?" Draco chuckled. He tried to grab his husband's bum one more time, but Harry stopped him by taking his hand. "Keep it in your pants," he said cagily, placing Draco's hand around his shoulders in order for it to be visible.

Draco pulled Harry close, planting a kiss on his forehead. "I love you," he whispered in his ear only to sneak a light kiss.


Hermione made her way to Draco, and when she managed to shove Harry out of the way, she gave him a tight hug. "Merlin, I've been so worried." She wrapped her arms around his neck even more, saying, "we missed you so much."

"Granger, I can't breathe."

Hermione's eyes widened, and as she let go of the blond, her cheeks tinted a little. "Right, sorry," she mumbled, composing herself. "Well you have some explaining to do!" She later on snapped, recalling back to the last conversation they had. "I want you in my office at ten, that's an hour from now. And you!" Hermione directed her attention towards Harry, her index moving with each word that came out of her mouth. "You're late!"

"It isn't my fault," Harry muttered as Hermione brushed past him along with the two aurors assigned to her that very morning.

Once Hermione was out of their sight, Harry said, "want to pass by the visitors gate to get some coffee?"

Draco nodded. He placed his hand on Harry's waist, and as they began moving, it gradually slid down. Harry rolled his eyes. He took the man's hand and moved it back up, looking at Draco with a disappointed look that masked his smug grin.

Harry ordered his drink, while Draco decided to get himself a cup of tea since he was already completely awake. After a while, they made their way to the lifts, and they headed to the level two.

"Hey, Harry?" Draco asked as they waited for the lift to reach the second level. Harry jerked his head his way as he took a sip from his cup. "Why is the ministry so...clear?"

Harry bit his cheek. "The ministry's in lockdown, unless you have to be here, you can't if you're a visitor," he explained. "After Kingsley's death, we're trying to keep the new minister safe. There is a new group--they call themselves the forgotten. We believe they are responsible for both ministers' death. That's all I can say."

"Do you know who their leader is?"

"No, just that they're made out of death eaters and have the same mark as you." Harry sighed, "that's why I wanted you to tell me how you got it. I know you're not involved...I mean, how could you? But it might lead us somewhere."

"I doubt it, it just appeared," Draco mumbled, biting the inside of his cheek for lying so badly.

Harry shook his head, and in that moment the lift opened. Draco walked past him, then stopped only to turn around and look at his husband, who had a saddened look on him. "Baby, what's wrong?" he asked, walking back to the man.

"You forgot."


Harry gave the blond a knowing look, making him laugh. "I thought you said no kisses," he chuckled. "This is different!" Harry snapped. Draco smiled, resting his arm around the man's shoulders. He pulled Harry close and planted a light kiss on his forehead, something he always did for 'good luck' before either of them went to work.

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