Chapter Thirty - Two.

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"How cute." 

Draco rolled his eyes, and let out a low growl as he made his way towards Zoe. "Don't you dare to get anywhere close to my kids." He walked to the point that he was closer than he should. "We had a fucking deal. Harry was never supposed to know you existed." 

"I got tired of waiting. I have everything I need, except that bloody wand, and you'd never hand it, unless I made sure you remembered who's toy you were." 

"I'll get the wand-" 

"Oh, I'm sure," Zoe sneered. "And just to make sure, your girl, she's alive because of me, but she won't be if that wand isn't delivered to me by tonight." 

Zoe crackled at the sight of Draco's face paling even more, then apparated herself out of the hospital (which almost gave Draco a heart attack since he feared someone might have seen her). Regardless, Draco went back to where Harry stood with Sirius. It had been half an hour, and yet Harry had refused to put Sirius down. He paced back and forth with the healthiest of the three, adoring everytime Sirius raised his fragile arms to grab his finger. 

Draco hid his panic with one of his smirks - which wasn't too hard to force out since he was beyond the moon to see Harry carrying his son. Harry looked up. "Love, look!" He slightly shook the finger Sirius had grabbed, and Draco nodded in return, enjoying how childish his husband looked. 

"I'll get the kids' bags," Draco mentioned as he kissed his husband's lips. "See if Longbottom talked with Granger, and see what Nott wanted-" Harry couldn't help his frown. "Then I'll tell him to leave, I promise." That seemed to ease Harry's frown, so Draco squeezed his hand, and made his way to the waiting lobby. 


Teddy jumped on Draco's arms when he saw him, bickering in his ear, "when can I see them?" until Draco finally told him to shut up. Teddy narrowed his eyes, but remained quiet as Draco walked towards a half-sleeping Blaise. He'd taken taken the opportunity to sketch out some designs, but had become a little bored and passed out. 

"He said to scream if someone we didn't know approached us," Delphini mentioned as she finished the last bit of her third slice of pizza. Teddy tugged on Draco's hair, bringing his attention back to the boy. "Uncle Blaise told us to wake him up before you came back so he looked like a good role model." 

"Mr. Malfoy-" Draco turned back to look at Delphini. "May I say something?" 

"Of course." 

"Your friend is really irresponsible." 

"He's a clown," Draco muttered, making the two kids giggle. 

"Uncle Blaise says that being a clown was what got him so famous." 

"Don't listen to him, Teddy."

Delphini and Teddy exchanged amused looks as Draco walked towards Blaise and kicked him on the knee. Blaise gasped as his eyes snapped open, and shot up upon seeing Draco. "You were supposed to warn me," he hissed at the two kids, yet it didn't terrify Delphini as much as Zoe did since he had a playful smile on his face. 

"Dad's more terrifying than you," Teddy called out, as he hid behind Draco's legs in fear of Blaise picking him up and tossing him in the air. 

Blaise grumbled some gibberish with a mix of Italian and English, crossing his arms. Draco sighed, thinking better than having to deal with a childish argument between Blaise and Teddy. "Teddy wants to meet the kids, mind taking him?"

"They're here?! Sweet holly Merlin, I've gotta meet them." Blaise snatched Teddy, and before he could protest - or even know what was happening - he was dragged up the stairs by the man (even though Blaise had absolutely no idea where the held the newborns were at).

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