Chapter Twenty - Three

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When Draco arrived home, even though he really was not in the mood, he went to the kitchen. There was recorplayer in the drawing room, so before cooking, he put on some jazz music. He washed his hands, and took out the ingredients before cooking.


Harry stepped out of the floo fireplace, tossing his shoes to the side, being too exhausted to move at all. He was in the living room, and jumped on the couch. He only closed his eyes for a second  when he heard some faint music from the kitchen. He sat up, and even though his body pleaded him not to, stood up and went to check it out.

In the kitchen, Draco was jumping up and down to the heavy classical music. His short hair moved from side to side, as he bobbed his head. He slid towards one of the drawers, for his socks were very slippering, and as he added some spices to the spaghetti, pretended to be playing a viola.

Harry leaned against the door frame, smiling at the sight. For the past months, Draco had become so uptight, it was very rare when he saw him actually having fun, so he appreciated the view for a while.

As did an about - face, he stopped his dancing, coming face to face with Harry, yet his smile did not fade. "You're home early." He walked towards Harry and planted a quick kiss in his lips with his hands in the air in order to not get them dirty.

"Perks of being the boss," Harry replied, eyeing the pastries and fruit Draco had out. "That's a lot of food."

"Perks of having the whole day to do nothing."

Harry smiled. "I'll go change real quick, I'll be right back."

Draco nodded, and when he saw Harry gone, went back to dancing to the dramatic orchestral music.


Harry walked down the stairs, and as he did, he noticed the change in music. It was no longer loud and filled with emotion, but soft, possessing simplicity and intimacy. He blushed dark red when he noticed the whole house was pitched black, with the only thing that guided him was a path of petals lit up by some candles to the side. Following the path, Harry stepped into the dinning room, where Draco was standing with a bouquet of roses to the side of the large table.

The room was beautiful, to say the least. The fireplace on the side of the table, centered in the wall, was very dimly lit. The chandelier, which hung above, shone as it reflected the light of the candles around the room. And the candles, oh, there were more candles than one could count. All of them were dispersed around the room, worsening Harry's blushing.

In the center of the table were three candle lights, each a different height. At the end of the table was a plate with tetrazzini, napkins, and two forks of different size. On the other side were two glasses, one with water, and an empty one for the wine. The other plate with food was located at the edge of the table, it was placed just like the one at the end of the table, with the forks, napkins, and glasses.

Draco nervously chuckled, "I know this isn't what you meant by a 'date,' but I got a little carried away."

"I see that," Harry replied with an idiotic smile. Draco walked towards him, and handed him the bouquet of light pink roses with fading orange at their tips.

Draco cleared his throat, "Mr. Malfoy - Potter, would you do me the honor of accompanying me to dinner on this fine afternoon?"

"It's evening, Dray," Harry replied slyly, pointing at the clock that read 20:36.

Draco glared at his husband. "Nobody likes a know-it-all, Potter," he sneered, making Harry laugh. "Apparently, you do," he remarked, earning himself another glare. When his laughter died down, he rested his hands around Draco's neck, using his free hand to play with his hair. "I would love to accompany you on this fine evening to a meal," he finally said, using a thick accent in order to sound as educated and full of class as Draco did, making him smile. He took Harry's hand, and guided him to one of the two seats intended for them. He moved a chair in order for Harry to take a seat, then pushed it in before sitting almost beside him.

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