Chapter Twenty - Eight.

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"This is ridiculous."

"You're ridiculous!"

Harry threw Draco the parenting book he'd just been given a few minutes ago, with Draco doing it and sticking out his tongue just to get in his nerves.

The conversation they'd shared with Teddy the previous night had made the couple realize how unprepared they were for triplets. With only weeks away, they had not bought anything a baby would need. They had not accommodated any of the spare rooms into a nursery nor the baby's bedrooms. So, Harry, having the weekend off, decided to make the next two days work days.

He wanted to get working on the nursery fast, but at the same time, wanted to do everything the muggle way.

"We can be done in minutes if you just let me use magic."

"No," Harry snapped, and later on picked up the parenting book, and skipped it to the different shades of colors at the very back. "I want to put the work in," he mumbled, eyes twinkling at the thought.

Draco mocked his husband. "Oh, you'll put the work in when it comes to changing those nappies."

"You're acting as if you won't be the one doing the changing."

"I won't," Draco slyly replied. Harry narrowed his eyes, his head sliding down to rest on Draco's shoulder. "Why not?" He cagily questioned.

"Because... You'll be the stay-at-home dad, not me."

"I thought we would split it," Harry mentioned with a small pout. Draco kissed those adorable lips of his. "I changed my mind."

"Uncool. I want a duel!"

With an arched brow, Draco asked for clarification. "You want a duel to decide who stays home?"



"Why not?"

"Because it's not fair."

"Aw, someone's scared."

"Shut your trap," Draco bit, eyes beginning to cloud over. Harry rolled his eyes. He pushed himself off the blond, and as he did so, handed him the booklet. "What's this?" He asked.

Harry sweetly smiled. "I'm letting you pick the color of the nursery so we can go buy the paint."

"You realize that doing this your way will cost me more money that it should."

"Stop being so damn cheap and pick a color!"

"Fine!" Draco shouted, a little afraid to see what would happen if that vein on the side of Harry's temple popped out. "I want green."

Harry threw the blond a knowing look. "You just want that because it's your house color," he called out. "No, pick another one."

"But A B and C will be in Slytherin. It's only fitting to paint the nursery and their rooms green, like parakeet green."

"How do you know they won't be in Gryffindor?"

"Because Slytherin's the superior house."

"Yeah right," Harry scoffed. "We'll see about that."


"Bet. Now pick a color."

"Fine. I like-"

"Crimson red!" Harry interrupted.

"No, this one," said Draco, pointing at the piece of paper that was shaded with a color called anchor. Harry looked at the odd color, then his husband. "You want to paint the room black? No, that's dreading!"

"Oh, bloody hell, man! You're impossible."

"I'm not! You're the one with shitty taste."

"Says the one who wants to paint the nursery the color of blood."

"It's a warm shade of red, not blood!"

Draco rolled his eyes. "Well I'm not fond of that 'warm shade of red.'" He was getting ready to say something else, but a couple of small steps down the stairs stopped him.

A half asleep Teddy was walking down the stairs. He rubbed his eyes and searched the large home for the married couple, and when he found them with their back against one of the ivy leather couches in the drawing room, rushed their way.

The little boy jumped on the sofa from the back, and hugged Harry by wrapping his little arms around his neck.

Harry patted Teddy's hand. "Good Morning, Teddy."

"Morning, dads."

Harry's heart fluttered at the new name Teddy had given him. He looked towards Draco, and almost as if he could read his thoughts, nodded in order to confirm that Teddy had indeed called him dad.

Draco knew that Harry was still trying to wrap his mind around being a dad, so he decided to deceive Teddy to help him.

He handed the boy the booklet, and asked, "so, Teddy- What color do you like the most?"

"Um, I like these ones." Teddy pointed at a heather purple and stone blue. Both colors were beautiful, and Draco was really fond of them.

The two looked to Harry, Draco with a pleading look in his eyes. "The nursery can be one color, while the bedroom another one," he shrugged, giving in just because of the look he was getting from Draco. "Those colors seem okay."

Draco gave Teddy a high-five, then stood up with Harry by his side.

"I'm hungry," Teddy called out before any of the two decided to cook something.

"Want some biscuits?" Harry asked.

Teddy shook his head.


Teddy groaned, looking over to Draco with saddened eyes. The man bit his tongue, looking over to his husband. "We can pass by a cafe before we buy the paint," he offered, and Teddy smiled in excitement.

Harry simply looked at the blond with caution before reluctantly agreeing. Before the two changed their mind, Teddy rushed upstairs to get ready.

Once the boy was gone, Harry crossed his arms, giving Draco a knowing look.

"What?" He asked with a shrug.

"What happened to 'saving money,' oh, your cheap highness."

"It's cheaper to buy out."


"Oh, what is it, Potter."

Harry wiggled his brows and threw Draco a knowing smirk. "You got played buy a five year old," he replied.

"Five and a half," Draco clarified.

"Same difference."

Draco slid his hands down Harry's back pockets, and pulled him closer, pressing their chests together. "Nope, there's a huge difference, but if I were to tell you, we would stay here all day," he said with a hushed tone. "So, instead of doing that, why don't we just go take a shower, how does that sound?"

"The whole point of taking a shower is to get clean."

"And we'll do that, but who says we can't have some fun?"

"Draco.." Harry said with some warning, but was cut off from a knock at the door. Draco sneaked a kiss before whispering, "hold that thought." Harry rolled his eyes as his husband made his way to the door.

Draco stepped into the hall, and opened the large door.

"Hey there, Malfoy."

Draco's smile faded, recognizing the voice in seconds, even though he still hadn't seen who it was, but Draco knew who it was. Theodore looked around, rocking his feet back and forth as he did so.

"Are you not gonna let me in?"

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